Tuesday’s tasks!

Good afternoon lovely P1b πŸ‘‹

Myself and the other teachers at St Albert’s have been very busy lately! We are getting organised for you all returning to school in August. We have been cleaning and painting – and I must say – the school is looking really good!

If you are local to the school and fancy taking a walk past when getting out for some fresh air – I’m sure you will enjoy the splash of colour in the Infant playground! πŸŒˆπŸŽ¨πŸ–Œ

As teachers are now back in school I wanted to make sure there was a way I could continue to provide you with activities even when I’m not able to blog. I will post a grid this week with suggested tasks for you to work through at home!


Yesterday, 8th June, was World Ocean’s Day. 🌊🐑🎏🐠🐟🦈🎣

The 8th of June, every year,Β  is the day when people all over the worldΒ  celebrate and honour the oceans that connect us all. Here’s some links to websites with interesting clips and activities for you to watch and take part in!

  • https://www.ourplanet.com/en/video/biome-tour-of-our-coastal-seas/
  • https://www.wwf.org.uk/learn/love-nature/coastal-seas
  • https://www.msc.org/for-teachers/teach-learn-about-ocean-sustainability/children-activities-under-8

Watch children’s author, Fiona Lumbers, reads her gorgeous book ‘Clem and Crab’ πŸ¦€πŸ¦€πŸ¦€ on Youtube;

Last week’s learning

Last week, we were learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. I couldn’t resist sharing this lovely Instagram page called ‘littlehappylearners’ which has lots of crafty posts and inspiration for you to try at home;

Hope you enjoy, and please do update me with your pictures and news! πŸ‘


Missing you lots,

Miss Bull




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