Jasper’s Beanstalk!

Good morning Little Gardeners!

This morning we are going to be talking all about Bean Plants. In your learning packs you should have received your bean plant growing experiment. Hopefully you have started this already.

Listen to today’s story Jasper’s Beanstalk! In your next packs you will receive your bean plant diary – OR you could have a go at making a diary of your own (stay tuned at the end of the story for instructions)



Today we are going to become scientists and we are going to be doing something called ‘predicting’. Predicting means using things that you already know to make a guess about what is going to happen next or in the future.

So…Thinking about what you already know about plants and how they grow;

What do you predict is going to happen to your bean plant? 

Can you copy out and finish the following sentences (have a go at some writing but you can draw pictures next to each sentence too to show what you think is going to happen):

  • In week 1 I predict that my bean plant will……
  • In week 2 I predict that my bean plant will……
  • In week 3 I predict that my bean plant will……

Today’s Measure Activity!

  1. Choose a toy and draw around it on a piece of paper
  2. Cut out the drawing
  3. Choose an object in your house that you have lots of – it must be the same size object like 1p coins or 2p coins or connecting cubes or blocks or buttons or grapes.
  4. Predict how many of your object you will need to measure the toy’s body – Write down your prediction.
  5. Measure each part of the toy and write down the results. Were your predictions right? How many away from the right answer were you?
  6. Use this new information to predict how many of your object you will need to measure the toy’s legs, arms, head etc.
Questions for parents to ask:
  • Discuss how they could measure round their toy using a piece of string.
  • Order the height of toys around the house. 
  • Discuss – What other things could they have measured with? 
  • What difference would it have made?

I’m off to school to make up your maths and topic packs! Hopefully we will be able to get them to you this week!

All the best

Miss Bull



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