Monthly Archives: May 2020

Friday – Sunshine Poems and Water activities!

Happy Friday ☀️ ☀️ ☀️

What a gorgeous sunny day we have today and it looks like it’s going to be a glorious weekend. The sunshine has got me feeling all excited and I thought today we could write some acrostic poems about the sunshine.

An acrostic poem is when you take a word and write a word or sentence for each of the letters. Today I thought our word could be SUNSHINE. Each of your words or sentences should be linked to the word we have chosen, for example, if we were writing about winter we might talk about how it is cold and snowy, perhaps maybe even the fun things we might get up to at winter time.

Here is a video on YouTube that will hopefully help if you are stuck:

If we were at school today we would be outside playing lots of games with water! Why don’t you try some of these in your garden!

Balance the cups – Can you pass them without spilling?

One of the most fun outdoor water games for kids! Tons of easy games for summer birthday parties. Perfect for field day, summer camp, and more!    #summer #summerfun #summeractivities #camping #water #outdoor #outdoorliving #games #kidsparty #watergames #

Water gun games! Why not number the cups and say the number as your squirt it!

Toddler Approved!: Easy to Set Up Water Party for Toddlers and Preschoolers!

Frozen Flowers!

frozen flowers sensory play activity

Give all your toys and dollies a wash outside in the sunshine! It’s great for strengthening your muscles!

Early Years Garden of Our Dreams. Part 2 - Water Play -

Other activities:

Sidewalk Chalk Games & Activities for kids. Fun outdoor play spring, summer, fall.,

Challenge your kids with this fun outdoor activity for kids!


Miss Bull



Wonderful Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday! 🌤

I hope you all had lots of fun out in the sun yesterday. I received lots of lovely pictures of your learning and Eid celebrations last week, here are some of them! 📸

Shayan learning all about the moon phases and dressing up for Eid in clothes his parents stitched all by themselves! Amazing!

Zoha enjoying Eid in her garden with her brother Arham:

Shanzay practicing her writing and enjoying time in the park!

Zainab busy with her arts and crafts making beautiful flowers:

Today’s Activities!


Today we are going to learn how to write a list. Can you think of any times when you need to write a list? Writing lists helps us the remember things and it also helps us to tell other people what we have seen without having to write big long sentences!

Mr Corrigan has made a video all about his Secret Garden. Watch the video and make a list of all of the things you can remember Mr C having in his garden.  Your list should look like this:

In Mr Corrigan’s Secret Garden I saw:
1. A pond
2. A……
3. A……


Hopefully you have been learning this time at home and at the shops to learn to recognise your coins! Have a go at this toy shop money game, select different options to challenge yourself!

Arts and Crafts

Have a go at making this Origami Jumping Frog! Follow the steps on the video, pause it as you go along to keep up!

Here is another super cool time lapse video of the Frog Life Cycle. Isn’t Nature AMAZING?!

Tadpole Tuesday! 🐸

Good morning everyone! 🌞

🌙⭐️I hope you had a super duper Eid weekend and you had lots of at home celebrations with your family. Pollokshields was buzzing with people out on walks in the sunshine wearing all their beautiful Eid clothes, it was so lovely to see!

When I went to Pollok Park yesterday I saw something VERY exciting in the pond….I saw some tadpoles!

Today’s activity is all about the Life Cycle of a Frog! 🐸

Watch this video and then have a go at completing your Frog Life cycle work sheets in your learning packs!

Listen to this story: Tad

Lots of love

Miss Bull


Thinking Thursdays!

Good morning everyone! 🐳

Wow, it’s been a busy week for teachers this week as we are starting to plan and get the school ready for the new school year, write your reports and some teachers will be getting ready for Eid just like you!🌙⭐️

Tomorrow (Friday 22nd) and Monday 25th May are official school holiday days which is fantastic for some of you as you will be starting your Eid celebrations.💜

Mr Corrigan Read a lovely story yesterday called Ramadan Moon, you can watch it here:🌙


As this week is all about moons, can you watch Miss Graham’s story ‘On the Moon’ and answer these reading comprehension questions:


  1. How long does it take to get to the moon?
  2. What do they go exploring on when they are on the moon?
  3. What countries flag was planted on the moon?
  4. What gets left behind on the moon?
  5. What kind of book do you think this is? Fiction or Non-Fiction?

For Maths carry in working through your learning pack and sumdog.

I will be posting a holiday message from the Teachers on here tomorrow so watch out for it!

Have a lovely day, I miss you all very much.

Love Miss Bull 🦸🏼‍♀️



Moon Monday! 🌙

Hello everyone!👋🏼

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I went for lots of walks on Saturday in the sunshine – I even stopped to buy an ice cream – I went for Mint choc chip, one of my favourites. What’s your favourite ice cream flavour?🍦

On Sunday I stayed inside because it was raining and baked a birthday cake for Jack and cooked lots of delicious food and watched a movie! 🎂 Here is a picture of my pistachio, cardamom and saffron Birthday Cake, what do you think?!

Activity 1: Can you write about what you did at the weekend….
  • On Saturday we….
  • On Sunday we….

Activity 2: Exercise!

I don’t know about you but I find it hard getting up on a Monday morning after such a relaxing weekend! Doing a bit of exercise every morning really helps me to feel energised and wakes up my brain. This morning you could try this:


Activity 3: Moons!

As we know, the Moon is a very important part of Ramadan and Eid. So, following on from Thursday’s learning about Moon phases (if you missed this, please see Thursday’s blog post which has lots of informative videos attached!) today you could try putting what you’ve learned into practice with these fun activities:

Use Oreo cookies to make the phases of the moon!

Enjoy and remember to send me over your Eid recipes so I can get cooking!

Miss Bull






Happy Friday! 🌱

Happy Friday everyone! 🥳

I can’t believe it’s Friday again, can you? These weeks just seem to be flying by so quickly.

Challenge Miss Bull -🌶🍆🥥🍜🍚

Next week I would like to have a go at cooking some of the special dishes that you make for Ramadan and Eid! Please could you send me some ideas or special recipes (especially really old ones that have been passed down through your families!) and I’ll try my best!

Today’s Activities 🌱

I hope you are enjoying your Learning packs. How are your beans getting on? Remember to keep the tissue nice and moist! If it doesn’t seem to be working you can transfer it to an old glass jar or plastic cup and use cotton wool instead of tissue (like in the video below).

  • Make sure your Bean Diary is up to date
  • Have a go at completing the bean life cycle cut and stick worksheet and the human life cycle worksheet.

What is a ‘Life Cycle’?☀️

life cycle describes the different stages that an individual organism (like a plant or an animal) passes through between the time it is  created until the time it makes or produces ‘babies’ of it’s own.

Watch these amazing time lapse videos (a sped up video!) of the life cycle of a bean!

Lots of Love

Miss Bull






Celebrations! Ramadan and Eid 🌙⭐️

Good morning everyone!

It has been really lovely getting to see you all this week as I’ve dropped off your learning packs. You (children and parents!) are all doing so well and it warmed my heart to see your happy smiling faces!

Ramadan is such a special time and I could feel the love radiating from your homes. I know so many of you are so looking forward to Eid so I wonder if today you could teach me a few things about your special celebration, I have recorded a video asking you some questions below:

If you do not celebrate Ramadan or Eid this would be a great time to learn all about the celebration, it is so important to learn about other people’s faiths and religions – remember, we are all different and being different is GREAT!:


  • What does ‘fasting’ mean? Why do Muslims fast during Ramadan?
  • What do these words mean; Suhoor/Sehri, Iftar, Zakat?
  • Ramadan is the ninth month in the islamic  Lunar calendar, but what is a lunar calendar based on?

Watch these videos about the Lunar cycle:

  • Ramadan starts when religious leaders tell everyone that they have seen a certain type of moon – Which moon is that?
  • What special things do you do with your family during the 3 day Eid celebrations?

Ask the adults in your family the questions to help you find out the answers and then ask them to help you type your answers into the comments box on the video.

Here is an interesting video all about a little boy called who shares his ideas of how to celebrate Ramdan with your family during the Corona Virus Lock Down.

Have a go at making your own Moon Binoculars to help you to keep an eye on the lunar cycle!

All you need is: 2 toilet roll tubes, some glue, some string, some clingfilm or plastic and some things to decorate!:

OR make a Crescent Moon card for a friend or family member!

Have a lovely Day!

Love Miss Bull



Holiday Friday – Enjoying Nature! 🌲🌱🌻🐿🦋

Good morning everyone!

Today is officially a School Holiday ☀️so the Teachers at St Alberts have made a special video for you to encourage and help you to enjoy the outdoors!

Give it a watch, try to get outside every day this weekend and if you want to, take some photos or draw some pictures of what you find.

Carry on writing your letters and drawing your pictures to friends over the weekend and I’ll collect them on Monday when I drop off your packs!

You could even have a go at making a nature scrap book just like Mr Corrigan’s


Enjoy your Holiday Weekend!

Miss Bull



Letters to Friends!

Good morning everyone!

Today is all about writing letters – watch this story about writing to Pen Pals!


I know a lot of you are missing your friends at the moment so today I would like you all to write a letter to a friend. On Monday I will be delivering your Maths and topic packs so I will pick up your written letters and then post them all out!

In your letters you can talk about anything like, your favourite games you’ve been playing at home, any cooking you’ve been doing, funny stories and jokes, draw a lovely picture of something you know your friend likes!

To make sure that it’s fair and that everyone gets a letter please can write your first letter to the person below, after that you can write as many extra letters as you want and I will post them all!

Danni to Hassan

Hassan to Danni

Rohaan to Saif and Shayan

Saif to  Rohaan

Shayan to Saif

Maaz to Shahin

Shahin to Maaz

Alaiyna to Zoha

Zoha to Alaiyna

Shanzay to Samaria

Samaira to Shanzay

Nana to Zainab

Zainab to Naba

Ibraheem if you’d like to write any letters from Pakistan and take pictures of them I can print them out and send them!

Remember you can write as many letters or draw as many pictures as you want to your friends after this letter, I’ll send them all out next week!


Miss Bull

Jasper’s Beanstalk!

Good morning Little Gardeners!

This morning we are going to be talking all about Bean Plants. In your learning packs you should have received your bean plant growing experiment. Hopefully you have started this already.

Listen to today’s story Jasper’s Beanstalk! In your next packs you will receive your bean plant diary – OR you could have a go at making a diary of your own (stay tuned at the end of the story for instructions)



Today we are going to become scientists and we are going to be doing something called ‘predicting’. Predicting means using things that you already know to make a guess about what is going to happen next or in the future.

So…Thinking about what you already know about plants and how they grow;

What do you predict is going to happen to your bean plant? 

Can you copy out and finish the following sentences (have a go at some writing but you can draw pictures next to each sentence too to show what you think is going to happen):

  • In week 1 I predict that my bean plant will……
  • In week 2 I predict that my bean plant will……
  • In week 3 I predict that my bean plant will……

Today’s Measure Activity!

  1. Choose a toy and draw around it on a piece of paper
  2. Cut out the drawing
  3. Choose an object in your house that you have lots of – it must be the same size object like 1p coins or 2p coins or connecting cubes or blocks or buttons or grapes.
  4. Predict how many of your object you will need to measure the toy’s body – Write down your prediction.
  5. Measure each part of the toy and write down the results. Were your predictions right? How many away from the right answer were you?
  6. Use this new information to predict how many of your object you will need to measure the toy’s legs, arms, head etc.
Questions for parents to ask:
  • Discuss how they could measure round their toy using a piece of string.
  • Order the height of toys around the house. 
  • Discuss – What other things could they have measured with? 
  • What difference would it have made?

I’m off to school to make up your maths and topic packs! Hopefully we will be able to get them to you this week!

All the best

Miss Bull
