Hope you all had a lovely holiday and are not too tired (like Miss Hewitt!) after the first week back! You would be very proud of how quickly the children in Class 2 settled back into doing lots of challenging work this week
We have been learning –
- counting in familiar patterns without the hundred square
- numbers before, after, more than and less than
- telling the time on digital clocks and matching these times to analogue times
- reading our new books using our decoding skills to work out new words
- rhyming words for our spelling words
- the ou sound
- sounding out, blending and reading nonsense words to help us be able to read words we do not know (e.g swoomp, chord, thrung)
- reviewing our targets from last term and setting new ones
- about the feeling anger and the behaviours that can come with this feeling
- about out new theme for topic this term – geography
- making predictions about our new topic and things we may see in a video of the Isle of Harris
- handwriting the letter m and M
The children’s thoughts on what geography is
Spelling ou words and counting the sounds
Watching the play ‘Trevor Thomas travels through time’
Predictions about things the class thought they’d see in a video about the Isle of Harris and afterwards things they didn’t think they’d see