In writing last week we were learning about using connectives, joining words that mean we can add more information to our sentences. We built sentences together with one person making the first part of the sentence, someone choosing an appropriate connective and then another person thinking of a good ending for the sentence.
As part of our chocolate topic we investigated the different types of chocolate and how their ingredients differ. Did you know that white chocolate doesn’t have any pure cocao in it only cocoa butter?! We tasted how dark chocolate is much stronger and more bitter tasting than milk chocolate and made some cornflakes cakes using dark chocolate for the McMillan Coffee Morning.
David was in again and we continued to build our karate skills.
We also learned –
- about partitioning (splitting into parts) Hundreds, Tens and Units
- counting to 1000
- ordering and sequencing numbers backwards to 100
- designing and creating our own new chocolate bar wrappers using powerpoint
- building on our tennis skill sin P.E with P6/7
- about the ‘th’ phonic and how it is different from the ‘f’ sound
Lots of learning crammed into 4 days 🙂