Term 4 already – how did that happen!
Class 2 wasted no time getting straight back into lots of hard work this week, especially with it being a short week.
Here are some of the things we have been working on –
- following and giving directions
- naming compass points
- grid references
- improving our speed answering 2, 5 and 10 times tables sums
- revising all our different spelling strategies
- different spellings for the oa phoneme
- writing sentences including certain words
- using different openers and connectives in our writing
- playing rounders in P.E
- completing our leaflets advertising Harris, sharing all our learning from last term
- saving and inserting pictures into a powerpoint
- editing text in powerpoint
- control signals and problem solving in PATHS
- learning the Easter story
- decorating our own Easter eggs
- taking part in an Easter egg hunt
Our different spelling strategies to learn our weekly spelling words
Different long ‘o’ words – counting the sounds in the words and sorting into spelling groups
Enjoying the sunshine, problem solving and exercising at Adventure
Our thoughts on ‘direction’ before we started this unit in maths
Giving and following directions outside
Practicing co-ordinates in class
Rounders with P6/7
Working with a partner creating our leaflets to advertise Harris
Look at our fantastic completed leaflets 🙂
Have a lovely long holiday weekend and don’t eat too many Easter eggs!