Class 2 2018-2019

A record of our learning journey this year :)

Assembly prep and much more!


The last couple of weeks have been busy despite the February weekend holiday, which feels like a very long time ago now!

In topic time we have been working on preparing our Class assembly for you (Thursday 28th February @ 2.15 – don’t be late!). The class have been writing their script to share learning about Harris and Gaelic and are working hard to learn their parts by heart. The script is in their homework pouches please help your child learn their words in the house each night between now and next Thursday. Thank you!

We have been looking at the wildlife of Harris – learning about sheep, cattle, otters, eagles and deer and created some lovely art on this theme. They sketched pictures of deer and added a 3D fluffy sheep and the silhouette of an eagle to the background of the picture.

During maths time the class have been learning their 2, 5 and 10 times tables and are practicing being able to answer these questions more quickly as well as find the number in missing multiplication sums. Some of the children have started learning about division as the opposite of multiplication, and multiplying 2 digit numbers.

We have been revising all our different learning about punctuation over the past couple of months and playing missing punctuation games as well as practicing using these in our writing. In our reading we have been working on questions, learning about different types of questions and trying to think of our own for our books.

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