After some more days off for the children after the October holidays we were back for our first full week of work this week and it was a very busy one!
During our circle time over the last 2 weeks we have been learning about equalities and looked at the new ‘Dear haters’ campaign. We read these letters and spoke about the different groups of people that experience hate crimes and wrote our own fantastic letter to show that hate is not welcome in Scotland.
We have completed our learning on last term’s topic of chocolate and the rainforest the last 2 weeks by learning about the different layers of the rainforest and what animals live there. In art we were working on creating a collage picture of a macaw and they are looking great!
The theme for topic this term is history and we had a very successful brainstorm of ideas about what history is and things we know about history already. We will start our new topic next week.
Kit and Kayden got their first reading books after the October holiday and are doing great! They have been doing lots of different activities to help them improve their reading and recognition of words. Here they are having reordered words to make a sentence from their book.
Other learning we have been doing over the last 2 weeks –
- learning about different types of words – nouns, verbs and adjectives
- looking at understanding words in our comprehension and the skills to help with this
- learning how to take away with borrowing, using the practical materials to help us
- counting in order sections of numbers up to 1000
- counting in 10s in numbers to 1000
- developing tennis skills in P.E
- learning how to escape a write hold in karate
- hearing from our visitor Hazel about the new Paths programme that will be starting in the school
Have a very happy weekend 🙂