We have had another busy week in Class 2 finishing off different assessments and revision of different work ready to start our new topics next week.
On Thursday, David came in for our first karate lesson of the term. He will be coming in every Thursday until Christmas helping us develop our karate skills. Here we are with David while he tested our strength in our hits and kicks.
At assembly on Friday Mrs Martin was discussing feelings and Isaac and Kit confidently shared some thoughts about their feelings in front of the whole school. Well done boys!
Some of our other learning this week was –
- deciding if statements about a story were true or false
- revising our single and double phonic sounds
- reading common words
- answering comprehension questions
- place value of 2 digit numbers
- ordering and sequencing numbers
- counting backwards within numbers to 100
- team games in our first P.E lesson with P6/7
- learning about symmetry in art
- using Micrososft powerpoint – changing the layout of slides, inserting shapes, text and pictures
Enjoy a well deserved restful weekend ready for more hard work next week