Class 2 2018-2019

A record of our learning journey this year :)

June 28, 2019
by Miss Hewitt

Last day – happy holidays!

What a great year we have had in Class 2! πŸ™‚

We enjoyed the last day together and said goodbye to Isaac and Tylor who are off to secondary school after summer. We will miss you both lots, remember to come back and visit!

Class 2 on the last day of term πŸ™‚

Miss Hewitt and her P7s <3


Have a fantastic summer and see you in August for another year of Class 2 fun πŸ˜‰

June 27, 2019
by Miss Hewitt

Happy summer!

I can’t believe it is the last week of term already, it has been super busy again and filled with fun! Here is some of what we have been up to πŸ™‚



We went outside to find resources to make our outdoor paintbrushes and worked together to attach the handle and bristles



On Thursday we painted some pictures with a mixture of our outdoor brushes and a normal paintbrush, with

Aiyub who was visiting us



Tuesday was the P7 Leavers Assembly, a very emotional day! Isaac andΒ Tylor were absolutely excellent and made us very proud πŸ™‚


Β  Β Β Β 

There was a pizza party after school that Tylor attended, though he was mostly avoiding the camera!



Isaac did not attend, so instead he had a pizza party with his Class 2 friends at lunchΒ on Thursday πŸ™‚



Wednesday was our annual unit picnic which was very well attended, thank you to all the parents and family that made it along – a super afternoon in the sun!



Class 2 were in full attendance at the Talent Show on Wednesday night. They were all so confident, amazing job team!


Last day tomorrow……




June 22, 2019
by Miss Hewitt

The rest of our busy week!

Sports Day and the P7 trip were not the only things happening this week!

We were very excited to welcome Aiyub, our new pupil who will be joining our class after the summer in P7, for 2 visits. He got on amazingly well and has made friends with everyone right away. He will be visiting again next week to spend some more time with us in class.

Friday was prize giving and the whole school joined together to celebrate the achievements of every pupil. Each child received a certificate and some special awards were also given out. Thank you so much to all the parents who attended. P7 parents we will see you on Tuesday for the P7 leavers assembly and certificates!


Class 2 (minus the P7s) with their awards after Prize GivingΒ 


Bilal with his Outstanding Achievement awardΒ 


On Tuesday while the P7s were on the trip, the rest of the class made dream catchers during art – the finished items were fabulous!


We had our last dance session with IndepenDance this week


Some lovely team work outside πŸ™‚



On Friday afternoon we had a re-run (no pun intended!) of the sports day races we didn’t manage beforeΒ the rain came on Monday


Have a great weekend ready for the last week of term next week!

June 20, 2019
by Miss Hewitt

P7 Trip to Blairdrummond Safari Park

On Tuesday all the P7s went onΒ their final trip in St Albert’s *sniff sniff*

It was a fantastic day at the Safari Park andΒ they fitted so many fun things intoΒ their P7 leavers trip!


Setting off from St A’s and arriving at BD!


Close to the lions who were moving about loads!


Monkeys on the bus πŸ™‚


Some other safari drive photos



Some children, including Tylor, went on the boat cruise and the rest of the P7s, including Isaac, went to see the Lemurs. They were quite smelly as they were going to the toilet all over the place!


There were paddle boats which were taken over by a lot of St Albert’s children! Can you spot Mr Corrigan on the flying fox in the background?! πŸ™‚


Lovely lunch in the BBQ area


A very entertaining sea lion show



Investigating the walk round safari – meerkats, penguins , tigers and ostriches


The Birds of Prey show involved lots of ducking to avoid the swooping birds!



Enjoying the trampolines and slides before getting the bus back home. Miss Cohen, Miss Brooks and Mr Corrigan loving their turn on the slides πŸ™‚







June 18, 2019
by Miss Hewitt

Sports Day

Yesterday we started our week very actively with sports day! In the morning we had a great time at the different β€˜Come & Try’ sessions and the afternoon was traditional races. Sadly the weather meant the afternoon was rained off and we only got to participate in our β€˜Egg and Spoon’ race. We will reschedule these races for later this week so we can complete our sprints, sack races, relays and three legged races.

Come & Try – Soft tennis


Come & Try – Satori Karate


Come & Try – Dodgeball


Come & Try – HIIT


Come & Try – ‘Highland Games’ – Welly Wang and Caber Toss!


Come and Try – Netball


Come and Try – Cricket


Come and Try – Beanbag toss


Egg & spoon race – the only traditional race we managed before it was rained off πŸ™


The rain was dripping off our faces as we were waiting to get back inside! It was great fun! πŸ™‚


Thank you so much to the parents and family members who came to cheer us on at Sports Day and sorry the weather ruined it a little! We hope you enjoyed it as much as us πŸ™‚




June 15, 2019
by Miss Hewitt

Indepen-Dance dancing, visitors & visits, YouTube views, Reports and more!

What a busy week it has been in Class 2!

On Monday,Β Amy and Sean from Indepen-Dance came in to chat to the class about Indepen-Dance and explain more about what they do. We learned that Karen started the company after experiencing some discrimination towards the group of adultsΒ with learningΒ difficulties she took to an aerobics class. This links in to exactly what the class have been learning about can happen in terms of discrimination to different groups, and it was great for them to hear a real life example of this and how it was dealt with in such a positive way.

Hearing from Amy and Sean

Key facts from the presentation


Then on Tuesday we hadΒ our first of 3 creativeΒ dance lessons with Wils andΒ Adam. We were learning about making different shapes with our bodies, travelling in different ways andΒ using props to help us dance.


Doing some warm up work

Creating fabulous dance and movement

Creating movements with the parachute

Relaxing at the end of the session, enjoying the bubbles!


On Wednesday the children went to the Tramway to watch an Indepen-Dance class. It was fantastic to be in a real dance studio and watch the very talented adults dancing. We were lucky enough to be asked to create our own little story and perform it as a dance for the group, which was great fun (though Miss Hewitt was busy helping and didn’t get any photos of our dancing!).

The fantastic Indepen-Dance class at the Tramway


Thursday saw the return of Wils for our 2nd dance session and this time Sean was with him. Another fab session creating movements and shapes. Everyone is very much looking forward to our final session next Thursday.

Amazing work again with Indepen-Dance


The children have been very excited following how many people have seen their fantastic video we shared on the blog last week, so far it has… 232 views! Please keep sharing the video with family and friends and help us get over 250 views! The children were very excited to hear that Judith Ralston, friend of Class 2 after our work earlier in the year on weather forecasting, tweeted to say how great she thought the video was πŸ™‚

Judith complimenting our work πŸ™‚


Ivo and Hector have been joining us for lots of different parts of the day such as –

  • learning about fractions, counting inΒ 10s and 2s and adding ten to different 2 digit numbersΒ in maths
  • practising for sports day during P.E time
  • learning about our new feeling ‘frustrated’Β this week in PATHS
  • doing someΒ ICT with Mr Stewart
  • joining us for breakfast on Friday to do our learning evaluations from the week and have the Friday breakfast treat of Nutella on toast!

Super sports stars!

Hazel from PATHS was delighted to hear Kayden’s story about using the steps for calming down and problem solving that he had been taught and tweeted about him!


Bilal has been working so hard on his doubles sums and got some amazing scores on ‘Hit the button’ this week so was given the superstar lanyard to wear for the day – well done Bilal!!


The class have also been working on writing their own reports, reflecting on their learning this year and talking about their favourite memories. You will be getting these along with their end of year teacher reports next week.

Happy weekend πŸ™‚

Class 2 have been working really hard over the past few weeks to create a film to demonstrate all of their fantastic learning about equality and discrimination. Today it is finally ready!

They learned about the Equality Act and the 9 protected characteristics, thinking about how each of these groups can be affected by different types of discrimination.

Throughout this topic they have shown a great awareness of the importance of equality for all and the different things this can mean. The class is full of budding actors and they had great fun acting out the different scenes which they came up with to show examples of discrimination.

Miss Hewitt is veryΒ proud of Class 2 for creating this fantastic short film. Enjoy!

#equalityforall #inclusivechildren #proudteacher

June 7, 2019
by Miss Hewitt

Busy busy bees!

It has been a very hectic few weeks with lots going on both in our class and in the wider school!

Ivo and Hector have been joining us from Class 1 for more transition visits, Tylor and Isaac have been visiting their secondary schools for their transition days and Huzaifa has started working in the mainstream P6 class for some mental maths.

Over the last few weeks we have been learning –

  • answering comprehension questions in full sentences
  • creating our character profiles for our imaginative writing piece
  • about setting and using the 5 senses to complete a description of our setting
  • the wh, au and aw phonic digraphs
  • rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100
  • estimating totals to add and takeaway sums using rounding
  • quick recall of our doubles
  • acting out various scenes of discrimination
  • filming pieces for our equality movie
  • about the feelings shy and lonely
  • discussing making new friends and important skills required to do this
  • about Ramadan and Eid
  • sports day skills – relay, sprints, egg and spoon race, 3 legged race

Another busy week in store next week, Miss Hewitt will try to remember to take some photos!

Have a lovely weekend πŸ™‚

June 4, 2019
by Miss Hewitt

P7 Assembly

The P7 pupils in Class 2 have been starting their preparations for their leaver’s assembly *sniff, sniff*

Miss Cohen, who has been working with them along with her P7s, has asked if you can help them practice singing the leaver song at home as part of their homework.

Here is the link for the video –

They have a copy of the lyrics in their homework pouch to help them sing along πŸ™‚



May 17, 2019
by Miss Hewitt

Hydrangea planting fun in the sun with our new pupils!

What a lovely sunny week it has been!

This week we enjoyed the lovely weatherΒ by planting a beautiful Hydrangea that Isaac and his family kindly bought to plant by ‘Isaac’s Path’ .

We planted this exciting addition to our outdoor grounds with help from Ivo and Hector from Class 1Β whenthey joined us for this lesson as part of their transition. They will both be moving up to Class 2 after the summer and were a super help in our gardening lesson πŸ™‚

We all shared different jobs such as digging the hole (including breaking up some stubborn roots that were in our way!), loading compost into the wheelbarrow, filling the watering cans, covering the plant with compost,Β watering our beautiful new addition to the outdoor grounds and taking photos on the classΒ I-pad of everythingΒ πŸ™‚

Here are some pictures of us at work –

Gathering tools from the gardening shed

Over to the path we go

Collecting the compost

Digging the hole

Putting some water in the bottom of the hole before adding compost

Filling the hole with compost

The plant going in!

Ivo givingΒ the plant another big drink

Hector sweeping the path to get rid of the mud to make sure it was clear for Isaac’s walk πŸ™‚

Class 2 and Class 1 friends πŸ™‚

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