
Homework W.B. 13th May

Hi Primary 7,

This week our school focus is Digital Learning – as it is National Digital Learning week! I’d like you to complete the following digital activities – posting your homework on the class blog or by emailing me at gw17cohennadine@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk.

If you would like to send me something you’ve made (i.e. a video, photograph, Pages presentation etc) – we can send it to my Ipad via Airdrop/Whatsapp when your parents come in on Friday for the workshop.

Digital Learning tasks:

  1. Post a comment on our school blog!
  2. Take a screenshot of important information about our IDL topic – ‘Inspirational Asian Females’.
  3.  Create a video on Clips to document your family life or perhaps the faith journey you are on during Ramadan. It would be good if you introduced members of your family, and included photographs with captions and text.
  4. Take a photograph of you and your family when you are breaking your fast (Iftaar) and send it to Miss Cohen – I’ll be drooling at the sight of all that yummy food!
  5. Download a new educational app to your device or your parent’s device like Garage Band, Castbox (for podcasts) or Duolingo (learning languages).
  6. Become a Youtuber and video your first live vlog post on a topic of your choice!
  7. Sing-along (alone or with friends) on TicToc to your favourite song.


Good luck, I can’t wait to see your entries!

Miss Cohen


Homework W.B. 29th April

Good afternoon P7!

As we have been studying time durations and timetables in class – I would like you to complete the following word problems using your counting on number lines and time facts to help you.

Top tips:

  • Remember to deal with one unit of time measurement;
  • 40 mins + 40 mins + 2 hours = 80 mins + 2 hours = 1 hour 20 mins + 2 hours = 3 hrs 20 mins
  • Be very careful when reading the question and ensuring we look at whether we will be moving back or moving forward on the clock!
  • Answer using am/pm or in 24-hour format!


As we are nearing the end of our Active Spelling unit, I’d like you to practice the following word list  which includes a variety of phonemes we’ve studied previously this year. Rewrite the words two times and complete one of the following activities with the Spelling list;

-Triangular spelling





-Upper and lower case Spelling

-Fancy spelling (first write each word in regular writing. Then, write them again in fancy letters; squiggly, bubbly, curly)

-Dot Spelling

-Rainbow Spelling

-Type them spelling (and send it to my email at gw17cohennadine@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk)

Spelling word list

shoulder, continue, previous, allowed, state, weather, balloon, changing, phantom, daffodil, magnificent, rescue, poach, recognise, thigh, relieve, complain, mistake, extraction, brochure


Happy week!

Miss Cohen




Homework W.B. 23rd April

Campaign guide GC

Good morning all,

Above is a Campaign Guide to actively lobbying and promoting awareness about a particular Global Citizenship issue that you are knowledgeable and passionate about – in this case, Mining. Have a look at it and try work through the steps at home (either with a classmate or individually). I’d be interested to see your Campaign ideas and slogans.

An unprecedented legal victory for indigenous rights in Ecuador frees up huge swath of Amazonian rainforest from gold mining

The phoneme for this week is ‘au’. As we have started this week slightly later (and didn’t have time to write sentences with our phoneme), could you please ensure you have written 10 full, vocabulary rich sentences in your homework jotters (au, aw, o, a).

We will beginning to discuss our new topic this week – Influential Asian Females (both locally and internationally). If you could get the ball rolling and research/create a fact file for a “chica” of your choosing – that would be fantastic!

Good luck!

Miss Cohen



Homework W.B. 25th March

Immediate homework – due Tues 26.3.19!!!

Design a DVD cover for your submitted movies on A4 paper. Remember to mention your premise, the title of your film and include key logos/pictures that infer the theme – ‘Community’. They need to be handed in so that we can submit them along with your completed movie files.

Palmora Falls Research: Keep an eye on Miss Webster’s blog for any additional Global Citizenship links!

Homework W.B. 18th March

Hi Primary 7

RERC homework

Miss McCue and Primary 6 are doing a collection as part of their Charity Committee work during the Lenten period. Can you bring in food (tinned/dried goods) to donate to Glasgow South East foodbank and Hazel from PATHS has forwarded on a contact in Barnados for the clothes to be donated there.

One item per pupil would be ideal and obviously if you can give more, that’s amazing.  P6s will come round on Friday and collect our donations.
Global Citizenship homework
Could you write some tweets/Facebook messages from the profile of your Palmora Fall’s character, commenting on recent news in the community?
  • The Discovery
  • The Mining Company’s email
  • The recent filming with BBC Earth
  • The Community meetings
I will explain more about this during tomorrow’s input.
Today, we were discussing our mobile phones and the minerals/metals present inside them; copper, tantalum, gold, tin, tungsten. Could you please bring in any OLD phones, that your parents/family members are no longer using and do not mind being dismantled, for the purpose of de-assembling them and looking at the make up of our devices.
Questions to consider for research:
1. How many people in the world own a mobile phone?
2. Which countries in the world have the most technology/are tech giants?
2. How much copper/tin/gold/tantalum/tungsten is needed in one mobile phone’s production? Then, multiply this figure by the amount of people that have a mobile device in the UK/China/Japan/USA/Africa/Europe?
3. How are metals and minerals found in mobile phones originally removed from the ground? Use the websites on the P7 blog home page to help you find out more about this topic.


Homework W.B. 11th March

The British Science Association have announced news about the Science Week Poster Competition which St Albert’s enters every year. This year’s theme is Journeys. 

Pupils can make their posters about anything Science related to do with journeys. It could be journeys into space (space missions), undersea exploration journeys, journeys on land (seed dispersal, new species of insect migrating due to climate change), animal migrations e.g the journeys salmon make to lay their eggs where they were born or wildebeest, how birds navigate using the earth’s magnetic field, journeys by air and the technology that assists this, how diseases have spread across the world, anything.

Here are the rules:

  • Entries can be from teams of pupils (for example all doing a part of the fact finding online), or from individuals. A team entry win would result in the prize being split across the team.
  • Entries should be 2D and done on A3 or A4 paper
  • It should be original work, no pictures or text copied directly from the Internet. No templates.
  • The best five entries from the school will be chosen and submitted.
  • There are three age categories. These are Early years P1, Infants- P2-4 and Junior P5-7. So they will be competing with those of similar age and ability.
  • Posters can be made as a homework task or in school.

Posters must include the following information (entrant details can be on the back of the poster):

  • entrant first name (all names if a team) and entrant age (all ages if a team)
  • age category (of the oldest team member)
  • school/youth group name and address

The closing date for entries is Friday 5th April, but we would need all entries for judging the best five in by Wed 27th March at the latest.

The prizes– Guinness World Records is offering a very special prize this year for the Junior category – the chance to spend a day in the life of the Guinness World Records team at the global headquarters!  The winning Junior student (and accompanying adult) will be able to see with their own eyes how the team review evidence and verify new records for extraordinary journeys. Prizes in other categories are yet to be confirmed.

Good luck! Bon chance!


Global Citizenship Homework;

Research Mauritius and the commitment of the Small Island States to Sustainable Development (bullet point your findings; examples of responsible conservation in their community?)


Homework W.B. 26th November

Good morning Primary 7,

Hope you’re well rested after the weekend!

We are prepping for our Assembly on Homelessness this week, so if you have any lines to rehearse and memorise – please practice them in a loud, clear voice with exaggerated body language (mirrors are great for this too lol)!

Can you remind Mums and Dads that the deadline is fast approaching to show interest in the Abernethy Outdoor Residential trip? They’ll need to return the permission slip and a deposit of money to secure your place!

Thinking ahead to our Contemporary Art exhibition focus, and to link with the incredible documentary ‘Tomorrow’ that we watched in class – could I ask you to find photographs/cartoons/animations on the Internet that can be categorised into the following headlines; ‘Take, take, taking from the Earth’ and ‘Give, give, giving to the Earth’. I’ll chat you through a few examples. Send these to me at gw17cohennadine@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk

In Numeracy, we have been learning about budgeting and Money. We have decided to make a hot chocolate cart and homemade gingerbread cookies for the Christmas fayre. I’d like you to shop around online and tell me which supermarkets (local or big), are offering deals/competitive prices on the following ingredients;

  • eggs
  • plain flour
  • dark muscovado sugar
  • golden syrup
  • spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger)
  • butter
  • hot chocolate powder
  • marshmallows (halal)
  • chocolate sticks for dipping in hot choc (Mikado?)

Thanks, have a good week!

Miss Cohen


Homework W.B. 19th November

Good morning Primary 7,

We are still collecting items for the homeless, as we will be donating to Glasgow South food bank at the end of this month. Please have a look at the list of items we are collecting from last week’s homework submission.

I’d like all of you to have a read through this BBC Bitesize summary of the British Empire – so that you have a good understanding of its historical influence. Once you have read through the 7 pages and watched the accompanying videos, can you record 10 new facts that you have learned from reading?;  https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/guides/zf7fr82/revision/1

This week’s focus is PATHS, and what we have been learning about in class regarding comfortable and uncomfortable feelings. We will be looking closely at coping strategies when we are feeling angry or cross this week. When I’m feeling angry or cross, I have a range of activities or methods that I know will help to calm me down. A few of these are reading, listening to podcasts, cooking and exercising (not all at once, haha!). Could you take a picture and send it to Miss Cohen (gw17cohennadine@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk), of an activity you do that helps you to stay chilled and relaxed?

As we are also celebrating Book Week, have a look at the following website and take part in some of the suggested digital activities; http://scottishbooktrust.com/reading/book-week-scotland/digital-festival

In Numeracy this week, we have been looking at Money and spending within a budget. I’d like you to complete the worksheet that I have given you this week to practice calculating and determining if a spending plan is within or out of budget.

Have a great week!

Miss Cohen


Homework W.B. 12th November

Good evening gang!

As this week’s focus is International Education Week, I’d like you to have a think about which country you’d like to find out more information about. Complete a fact file for a country of your choice, and Miss Cohen will try her best to work out which place you are talking about. You could give me clues on the following;

  • Write down five commonly used phrases in the country’s mother tongue/language
  • Identify smaller cities/towns present in that country
  • List reasons why this country is appealing to you; culture, music, location, climate etc.

Go on to the website below and take the #BeInternational quiz. It’s also interesting to have a look at the case study on why it is important to learn a language. What are the main reasons? Comment below on the blog.


In Numeracy this week, we will be assessing and consolidating our knowledge of area. Complete the worksheet where you must work out the area of compound shapes.

Tip: This sometimes involves splitting the shape into two/three parts and calculating the area of each part separately before adding the total together. Remember – you answer should be in cm squared!

Handy formulas; Area of a parallelogram = length x height, Area of triangle = 0.5 x length x height, Area of square/rectangle = length x breadth.

Have a productive, fun filled week!

Miss Cohen 🙂


Homework W.B. 5th November

Good morning Primary 7!

Tonight is Guy Fawkes Night (Fireworks Night). I hope you are going out to see the fireworks or watching them safely indoors. Either way, I’d like you to make an informative poster about Firework Safety, and include details on what necessary precautions you must take this evening. Can you also take photos of you and your family/friends if you are out enjoying the fireworks tonight, and post it on our blog or send it to my email address; gw17cohennadine@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk 🙂

On Thursday 8th November, St Albert’s will be hosting the “Wee Sleep Out”, in a bid to raise awareness of the issue of homelessness in our city and Scotland. We will be collecting the following items to send to Glasgow South food bank;

  • Tinned tomatoes/Pasta Sauce
  • Tinned Rice/Custard
  • UHT milk (1 litre)
  • Tinned Vegetables
  • Tinned Fruit
  • Tinned Fish
  • Soap/Toothpaste/Toilet Roll
  • Teabags
  • Packet Potatoes

If you have any of these items and can start bringing them in to school, it would be very much appreciated!

In Numeracy this week, we will be developing our knowledge of area by now calculating the areas of squares, rectangles, triangles, parallelograms, trapeziums, rhombus’ and kites. Please complete the Area worksheet at home and return to class.

(Tip: Perhaps you may want to leave this Homework until Wednesday eve, as then we would have covered all of the material and formulas you will need to solve the problems)

Have a lovely week,

Miss Cohen



Homework W.B. 29th October

Good Morning Primary 7!

For Numeracy homework this week, we are aiming to consolidate our learning on Area and Perimeter.

Remember: Area can be found using the formula; length x breadth, and is recorded in squared cm/m/km.

Perimeter can be found by adding up the lengths of the shape’s edges.

Find the area and perimeter of the following shapes:

1. A square with 5.5cm side.

2. A rectangle with length 6m, breadth 3.5m.

3. A rhombus with 4.5km side.

Try to get outside and measure the area and perimeter of objects in your garden/house. Use a ruler or measuring tape to record the length and breadth of the items.

We will be celebrating Halloween on Wednesday, and taking part in lots of fun activities in the afternoon. Try your best to make one element of your costume homemade. This could be an element of your costume or a prop your character may carry. Looking forward to seeing them and being spoooooked out!

We are starting a new historical topic for Term 2, ‘The British Empire’. Can you do some internet research to answer the questions on the grid provided?

The countries to research are; Australia, India, Carribean, The Gold Coast.

When did this country become and then cease to be a colony.
Why was this country important for Britain?
Identify one impact (positive or negative) about British rule on this country.
Identify one fact about the relationship between Britain and this country.