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Geocaching adventures on Wednesday

Hi Primary 7 and Parents,

For Wednesday’s Outdoor Learning activity, we will be using the Geocaching application on our mobile phones to locate treasure and improve our mapping and directional skills.  Bring your phones to school and we will get into small groups to go ‘Geocaching’. Exciting!

Here is a link to the application that I would like you to download onto your phone on Tuesday evening, in prep for Wednesday.

The logo on the app store is at the top of this post, FYI.

Looking forward to it,

Miss Cohen

Outdoor Learning Week homework

Good morning Primary 7,
As it is Outdoor Learning week, here are a few research tasks that you can do at home:
1. How many trees fell in the local area/Glasgow during storm Ali? What impact will this have on the environment? Consider factors such as air pollution, air quality in cities, habitat destruction.
Why is it important to plant trees in urban areas? Can you cite green cities that are modelling this successfully?
2. Identify the tree species we have in our school and local area. Tally your results, research the different species of tree, research their origins and determine whether they are native.
What are the benefits/disadvantages of having these species of tree in the school or local area?
Which plants could we plant or add that would be beneficial to our environment?
If you are posting or tweeting any of your homework, could you please hashtag the following;
#AwayandPlay       #playeveryday         #outdoorlearning
Thank you!
Miss Cohen

Learning about 3D shapes!

Last week in Maths, we began looking at 3D shapes and their properties. We did a fun learning carousel where we played 3D shape loop cards, created a Venn diagram to categorise the faces of different shapes, shape bingo, true or false questions in our textbooks and an interactive game on the smart board.

Mimi designed and created an amazing 3D model as part of her homework – a lighthouse. She used paper, card, a bike light, a CD, a pringles tub, ice lolly sticks, shells and a Ferrero rochero case to make her model. It looked so realistic, and perfectly made to scale!

We will continue learning about 3D shape during Outdoor Learning week, where we will be using natural materials to construct shape nets and calculating the volumes of 3D shapes using mathematic formulas!


Homework W.B. 25th September

Hi Primary 7,

Hope you are feeling well rested after the September weekend!

In Maths this fortnight, we are focusing on 3D shapes. Could you list everyday objects/architectural objects which have the following shapes; sphere, cuboid, pyramid, cone, cube, triangular prism?

For example: cone – ice cream cone, traffic cone, magician’s hat, coffee filter papers, liquid glue cap, incense cones, scented candles, Ophion building (London).

This morning, we discussed participating in the Holyrood Learning Community Public Speaking Competition. In order to do this, we need to think about a subject which we are passionate about, in order to deliver an information five minute speech.

As a warm up activity, try this game with your family – The Big Lie. Each speaker is to share three things about themselves on a particular theme: holidays, the future, my favourite after school activities, my beliefs, the best books I’ve read, the best adventures I’ve had…

Two of the things they say about themselves are to be true. The third is not.

When they’ve finished speaking, ask your family members to identify the lie.

Record your three statements in your homework jotters from you and your family members!

I look forward to reading them. Remember, it’s all about the delivery and being convincing about what you are saying!


UNCON Youth Arts Event

Congratulations to Mimi, Taqwah, Anum and Zainab for working hard at the UNCON Youth Arts Event which took place on Saturday in Perth. What dedication!

Really excited to see the short film – which is being made to show politicians about the barriers young people face with accessing the Arts.

#TTSUncon #TTSYoutharts

Here, the girls are mind mapping all of the different career options you could have if exploring the Arts as a professional pathway.

Multiplication in Maths!

We have been revising our multiplication and division facts in Primary 7, as we know how important it is to have quick recall of them to assist us with our Number work.

We played a fun game outside where Miss Cohen gave us a question, and the first team to answer had to quickly move the gym mats forward and race towards the finish line. The concrete was lavaaaaaaaa, and it got really competitive haha!

Almaas concentrating on creating a challenging balancing equations question for her partner to solve!
YES, we are ace-ing this game! Go on Saad!
Looks like Tanzeel could be in with a chance of winning! Ryan doesn’t seem impressed haha!


We also played a card game in pairs, where each participant pulled out two cards. They then had to find the product of their cards, and the person with the higher amount won a point. Bonus points were given if the participant could record a division fact on their whiteboard which matched the multiplication story!

We played multiplication knoughts and crosses too, and the multiplication basketball shoot off! It’s always fun to test our Maths knowledge in a different context.

Learning these facts will come in really handy when we move on to working with fractions, decimals and percentages!

A busy week full of trips and experiences…I think we may need a bigger blog!

Primary 7 were really lucky last week, as we managed to secure not one, but TWO trips.

On Monday, we visited the Glasgow Film Theatre to watch Take One Action’s selection of short films. These were really interesting, and based on global issues such as climate change, gender equality, deforestation, war and migration. Take One Action are a really inspirational organisation, who strive to make their audience aware of current affairs and encourage community action. Here’s a link to their webpage if you want to check out some more from their film catalogue;

On Tuesday, William Steel (an organic farmer) delivered an informative powerpoint on his role in the farming industry. He discussed the difference between an organic farm and a regular farm, in terms of the environmental impact and important priorities. William works on an organic farm in Lesmahagow, which has been passed down for generations. Learn more about William’s visit on the school Eco blog, where I’ve posted s’more fun farm facts.

On Wednesday, we went to Platform, an Arts venue in Easterhouse, to see an interactive theatre performance of Tiger Tale. Vince and Jade from the Barrowland Ballet were fantastic to watch, as they played the role of a disfunctional family longing to explore their wild side! Vince was amazing, and played the cheeky, enthusiastic character excellently.

On Thursday, we raised £750 at our MacMillan Coffee Morning, an outstanding amount! Thank you so much to everyone for coming, and for the generous (and delicious) home baking, Mrs Connel’s strawberry cream sponge disappeared from the cake table in no time. Zainab’s cupcakes and Mimi’s chocolate cake looked SO professional too, well done gals! Ryan B – I bought some of your homemade sponge for my Mum to enjoy on her day off on Friday – it didn’t disappoint! Yum yum!

Amina, we are very happy that you won the Family Flipout voucher! Please post photos on the blog once you’ve put it to good use!

On Thursday afternoon, the P7s helped set up activities and games for the Dad’s Sports day. Here’s a gorgeous snap of Amina encouraging her Dad!

 Hurdle hero!

Hussain’s brother also made an appearance, and I love this photo of them both and Adam! We should do a caption competition…what do you reckon Adam is giggling about!?

I hope you have all had a relaxing, fun long weekend!

I am just back from Easdale Island, where the World Stone Skimming Championships were being held. I’m excited to show you some videos and snaps tomorrow.

Enjoy your last day of chilling 🙂

Miss Cohen

Social Enterprise Galore

Our FAB 4; Salahudin, Zainab, Arhum and Zara, presented at the Opening Ceremony of the Social Enterprise World Forum. They did an outstanding job of explaining St Albert’s philosophy – to create conscience led communities. Afterwards, the team met and mingled with loads of international visitors at the conference, who congratulated them on their animation and presentation – and said that they were an inspiration!

The FAB 4 returned in action and presented at the Scottish Learning Festival last week, discussing the importance of learning skills for the workplace.

Truly fabulous work guys, well done you!!

We couldn’t resist having a go with the VR’s at the Scottish Learning Festival! Bora Bora Beach looked veeeeery inviting!

Homework W.B. 17th September

Hi Primary 7,

In Numeracy, we have been practicing converting whole numbers into their decimal format, especially when baking and measuring ingredients for our approaching MacMillan Coffee morning.

Maths questions:

Can you convert the following into kilograms from grams? (Hint: you must multiply by 1000 – three loops forward)

  1. 650g =       kg
  2. 115g =         kg
  3. 155g =         kg
  4. 435g =        kg
  5. 515g =         kg

Can you convert the following from grams into kilograms? (Hint: you must divide by 1000 – move three loops backwards)

575g, 620g, 1350g, 2246g, 110g

In Writing, we have been writing critical film reviews after our visit to the GFT to watch short films on important global issues like deforestation, climate change, gender equality, war and migration etc. Can you write a film or book review on a novel/comic/movie of your choice, summarising the plot and main events and including your opinion on the piece of media selected?

Use as inspiration.

If you would like to send me a photograph or picture of your homework from the Grid’s selection, my school email address is 🙂

Looking forward to reading them!

Miss Cohen