Category Archives: Uncategorized

Abernethy Kit List

Following our conversation about Abernethy this afternoon, here is the kit list for your trip that you will need;


If parents have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment on this post or phone the school office. I have a feeling we covered it all today in our discussion! Here’s a wee reminder of the main, important points made…

No electronic devices or phones allowed! (blogs will be updated with daily videos and photographs of the children’s activities)

Bring extra socks and pants for outdoor and indoor pursuits!

Pack/buy a Microfibre (lightweight) towel as discussed. They look like this and should be reasonably cheap from an outdoor shop like Decathlon.

All children should follow a strict £5 budget for the tuck shop.

Pack swimming trunks/swimsuit as this is on our programme for the week!


Miss Cohen




Tent building, in all weathers!

Today we were setting up tents by working in small groups and following a manual of instructions or using YouTube tutorials for the particular model of tent we were building.

Beforehand, we discussed the specifications we would be using for if we were purchasing our own tents online…




-room for storage (rucksacks, boots, jackets etc)

-easy to assemble and unassemble 

We had a look at some photographs of Miss Cohen’s camping adventures and were inspired. She reminded us that it’s so nice to wake up to gorgeous, peaceful scenes. The chances to do that in Scotland are plentiful. Here’s a couple of examples of Miss Cohen’s camping spots in the last few years…

Hope this has made you excited to spread the word to your parents to start planning your own Spring/Summer camping adventures!



Working with David (Miss Cohen’s talented cousin); The VoiceOver Master

Today in class, Miss Cohen filled us in our her filmmaking course that she went on yesterday and we talked about the 3 S’s and the 3 C’s of creating movies; Sound, setting, story and character, colour and camera.

We learned new techniques for holding and positioning the camera for getting the desired feel/vibe of the shot, as well as learning how to take this selection using IPads;

Here’s a selection of photos of us practicing these styles…I wonder if you can work out which is which using the info sheet above.

We then discussed our teams for the movies we are creating as part of the DTMM Community Project. As 8 of us are going to use StopMotion to create our own animations, we thought it would be really useful to explore how to use different voices and tones to explain and personify particular characters. David has had years of acting experience, and helped us to learn about how to control and use our bodies to really change the tone and scale of our projections. Here’s some examples of what we did this morning;



What a fun morning!

Thanks to David for teaching us some great tips. We will definitely share our finished videos with you!

Skill Swapping and Café Connect up and running!

On Friday afternoons, we will be hosting a Skills Swap session from 1pm – 1.45pm. This gives parents, teachers, community members, partners and community members the opportunity to learn new skills for FREE. On Friday, Sakeena and Saleeha (P7) delivered an intro to ukulele playing workshop, and Miss Cohen delivered a Beginner’s Spanish class. Please keep looking on Twitter for updates about what’s on offer on a weekly basis, as well as the Skills Swap notice board on display at the front office.

Following the Skills Swap, we invite parents to Room 10 each Friday for Cafe Connect. As our school focus was Storytelling this week, we had Gauri Raje (a professional storyteller) join us to deliver some amazing stories to the adults who attended! What a treat. Next week, we will be focusing on Mental Health Awareness for children, and will have a visit from a SAMH representative. All very interesting and exciting!

Our fortnight of learning; filmmaking, Scots experiences and Global Citizenship underway!

We have begun a new Global Citizenship topic based on the UNCRC and Global Goal 12; Responsible Consumption and Production.

We worked with P6/7 to create wordles based on this theme, as well as watching some inspirational videos to inspire us to create change. After all, future generations need to know how to live sustainably. As part of our homework, we have been asked to research different landscapes in order to design and build our own community for the storyline.

We have been very active so far in Term 3. We decided that we would like to do Rounders and Cricket for our Outdoor PE slot, and Tennis/Badminton when we are indoors. We have been cycling when the sun has popped it’s head out to play, and on Friday, we went to Holyrood High School to partake in a Burns Transition Ceilidh! What fun!

Here’s some snaps of us in action!

We have been learning more about Filmmaking. Firstly, we brainstormed our prior knowledge on this theme, proving that we are already aware of lots of different ways to record digitally through applications, techniques and styles. We are entering a DTMM competition in March, which is all based on the theme of ‘Community’. We discussed in small groups how we could explore this idea; short movies, documentaries, animation, silent movies, paper cinema, cartoons etc.

We played fun warm up games to get us thinking like directors and actors. We played the tweet challenge, the three sound challenge and the 5,4,3,2,1 movie challenge!

Orienteering during Outdoor Learning. Abernethy – we’re ready for ya!!

We talked in class yesterday about stepping out of our comfort zones and being adventurous. Miss Cohen discussed the adventure short film festival she went to on Monday evening. Here is the link below to watch the cool, inspiring trailer again and also to inspire you to start planning your own trips;

I really recommend buying or renting from the library the following books to discover what is on your doorstep in terms of the great outdoors!

We are so lucky to live in Scotland, and I hope that I can inspire you to get starting exploring when you are young and fit enough to do so!


On Tuesday afternoons, we have been working outdoors with Miss Bull and MrMcDonald to prepare ourselves for our upcoming residential trip to Abernethy Outdoor Activity Centre. We timed ourselves getting layered up in waterproof clothing, wellies and cosy layers -and we are getting more efficient and slick each week! We played in the snow, and this week, we used maps and symbols to do Orienteering practice. Next week – assembling tents! Watch this space…


Global Citizenship Learning homework…

In order to design our community for our topic, we must research specific habitats (mountains, deserts, coral reefs, canyons, volcanoes, beaches, rainforest, valleys etc) and record the following notes about them;

-what is the environment like? (Aesthetically, what does it look like?) screenshot pictures or draw sketches for this part.

-what is the climate like?

-what plants and animals flourish here?

Remember to be creative in the way you present this information and if you wish to send me PowerPoints or videos or photographs, my email address is


Miss Cohen 🙂


Road Safety Play; Baldy Bane brilliance once again!

The Baldy Bane theatre company came to perform a play on Road Safety today. They performed using a technique called “Forum theatre”.

A pencil for a hideout, when I draw I feel relaxed ; Saad K

A hideout in a tree with a secret passcode – Ross (Class 1)

A secret place where I go with my cousins. I can’t tell you the location… – Lulu, P6/7

In the play, Ronnie and Jack are going to share a bike to get to school. Jack offers Ronnie a “backy”.  Jack is a stuntman…but is this a good, rational, responsible idea?

We asked Jack our questions

Is it really that cool not being safe?

Are you trying to act cool to get girls?

Why did you want to become a stuntman?

Do you not care about your health?

What if you hurt yourself, would that be cool?

Do you think you’re indestructible?


What could we wear to be safe?

*reflective sports jacket

*a brightly coloured jacket

*cut and upcycle it onto your bag

*bright laces/trainers

After much reflection, Jack and Ronnie took our advice on board and thought of responsible alternatives.

Thank you BB, another excellent show!


Who says soft play isn’t fun?!

Abernethy Snowy “Reki”

For our first time getting organised and into waterproof clothes, it took us 20 mins and then around 10 mins to take the wet layers off – Mimi

I liked the game we played at the logs – it was slippy but really good overtaking someone if they slowed down – Saleeha

So like we worked together to de-layer; wellie boots we helped each other take them off – Sakeena

How to actually stay on logs and balance yourself so you don’t fall on the ice – Saad K

I thought what was really fun was the snowball fight because we kept on hitting each other and we all started getting a bit more competitive at the beginning, and then we formed teams – Ryan

I really wanted to go on the pitch because everything was flat and you could see your opponents if you had a snowball war – Salahudin

Really satisfying – Hafsa

You know when you stand on the snow, it sounds like A-S-M-R; Laiba

It would’ve been nicer if we had sledges to slide down – Zainab

It was fun sliding down the hill on your bum – Abeera

In the future, we should tuck skirts and trousers into wellie boots and waterproofs so they don’t get wet – Dilya

The snow will turn into water and wet your jeans – Saad S

We could maybe go into two teams, have two battle grounds, Miss Cohen will say “Cease fire” when everyone’s bases are finito – Saad K

It was really fun when you stood and slid down the hill – Anum