Monthly Archives: March 2019

Sharing our Data Handling learning with our P6/7 and P6 peers

Primary 7 had a great morning leading the P6 and P6/7s around their planned carousel of learning task on Data Handling.

They taught their peers how to use a Venn diagram, and create their own criteria, how to use KeyNote to translate data into 2D and 3D graphs, how to calculate the mean, mode, median and range of a given set of amounts, how to use a protractor accurately when measuring real life angles/objects, and where to recognise each style of graph in an everyday context and for what use.

Primary 7 then peer assessed the groups using traffic lights and registers, analysing if the group were able to meet the success criteria and objectives within the time.

It was really enjoyable, and looking forward to doing more in Term 4!

Malala Gala Dinner organised by Social Bite #EndHomelessness

Last week, Saleeha, Zeenat and Miss Cohen went through to Edinburgh for the evening to attend Social Bite’s Gala dinner, with special guest Malala hosting the red carpet event. Zeenat and Saleeha both looked GORGEOUS, and their dresses were the envy of many!

Malala was so inspiring. Her stories of Asian culture really resonated with the girls, and inspired them to have hope, faith and courage in their lives.

It was lovely to see Alice and Rachael again – and hear about SB’s exciting plans to do the Wee Sleep Out and Big Sleep Outs on an International Scale in 2020.

Watch this space…

Palmora Falls Fortnight…

We are steadily progressing through our Global Citizenship topic, based on our community of Palmora Falls. Lots has happened since our last post:

  • Palmora Falls has featured on BBC Earth as an area of natural, diverse beauty and interviews have been conducted with members of the local community
  • An interesting discovery was made – a local community member found a silver and gold veined rock when searching for fertile soil. The rock was sent to a mineral laboratory for further investigation, and the results were veeeeery exciting!
  • We decided to research what the mineral/metal underground could be using information sheets and internet sources.
  • A mining representative has been in touch – and wishes to visit PF’s to discuss future, potential plans. We have a LOT of unanswered questions and worries after looking into the devastating effects of Mining globally. We do, however, appreciate the benefits of technology after our case study this week – and know that not all tech is bad tech.




Primary 7 Leavers Trip

Hi Primary 7,

As promised, here are the two options for the Leavers Trip for you to peruse and discuss with your friends and family. We will have a vote on Friday about which venue you would like to visit!

Happy deciding!

Miss Cohen, Miss Webster and Miss Hewitt πŸ™‚

Global Citizenship Research Task

In your family groups, you should investigate one of the following metals or mineals: tantallum, copper, tin, gold, tungsten, silver and cobalt.

Create a presentation for the class/community, including scientific name, how it is used in everyday life, where it is mined and how it is mined.


Good luck!

Miss Cohen


Outdoor Pursuits Finale…until our return from Abernethy!

On Tuesday, we had our final Outdoor Learning session with Miss Bull before our Abernethy trip next week. What a fun afternoon!

It was a glorious, sunny day and we went to the sensory garden to make some food by the campfire, learn how to set up a campsite (tent, washing station, crotchet accessories). We made damper bread, spicy smoky beans, toasted marshmallows and coffee for the adults! β˜€οΈπŸžπŸ₯«

Zainab has some strong ideas on how we should best manage the 6 man tent! She kept us in check hehe! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜›

We can’t wait for our Aviemore Adventures! Yaaaaaay πŸ’œπŸŽŠ