Monthly Archives: February 2019

This week’s learning…

On Tuesday, we divided into our filming groups to consider our target audience/interviewees, potential shooting locations and premise of our movies.

A premise is the motive of a movie – a one lined statement which we always refer to throughout the filming and editing process.


On Tuesday, we were planning for tomorrow’s Outdoor Learning lesson when we will be making a fire, and cooking food on it. We learned how to organise and clear a site, ensuring that there are no fire hazards or flammable materials nearby, and creating a clear entrance and exit to the designated area.

P5 were presenting a class assembly about Scotland, and in particular, the Highland clearances. They shared some poems they had created, sang some traditional songs and got the audience members up dancing for a typical ceilidh celebration; eeeeeeeeee ooooooooooo!

On Wednesday lunchtimes, we have started a Chess club – thanks to the lovely Saad Khan for suggesting this idea! What a turn out we had for Session 1 – really looking forward to the rest of our time together problem solving and tactically thinking!

In Numeracy, we have been drawing and constructing pie charts using different formulas. We then decided that we needed a little bit more practice on how to use a protractor and draw different angles using the 3 Golden Rules!

We entered the Dragon’s Den Social Enterprise competition on Thursday to discuss our cashless, skills exchange project. Saad Khan, Mimi, Zeenat, Saleeha, Hafsa, Sakeena and Ryan did an amazing job telling the judges about our points system and our push for a focus on Learning for Sustainability by creating conscience-led communities!

We left feeling even more keen and determined to spread the word about the circular economy, sustainable living and production and appreciating one another’s talents and abilities. Giving is not to receive – it makes the world go round! 

Miss Cohen went over to lovely Laiba’s house after school last week to meet her new, gorgeous baby cousin. She doesn’t have a name yet – but she is ADORABLE!! Congratulations to Laiba’s family on their new arrival!

What a fun week! See you Monday for some more learning!


Outdoor Learning Research Homework

Following today’s input on creating a site for a fire 🔥 (which you did amazingly well at prepping and assembling), Miss Bull and I would like you to do some research about campfire food that we could prep and make during next week’s session. Here’s some useful info you’ll need to be mindful of when researching;

Building a fire-1

  • We will have 1hr to make/heat the food.
  • We have 28 pupils in our class, plus two adults.
  • We have bamboo skewers for holding food over campfire, and can provide tin foil and cooking utensils for mixing (I.e. spatula, fish slice).
  • Your budget for all ingredients will be £1 per head

Happy researching! Remember – deadline for submissions will be this Friday!



A short but action packed couple of days!

On Thursday, we worked with P6/7 on developing our GC community, Palmora Falls. We discussed potential roles and responsibilities in our environment, and divided ourselves into family groups to create characters. We thought carefully about the following when deciding our roles;

  • How does our job impact positively on the community?
  • Does my job prioritise serving the common good, or place an importance on ensuring biodiversity is rich in Palmora Falls?
  • How do I protect the environment?
  • How do I contribute to the community?


We had so much fun working together that we thought, why not have a shared PE session?! Miss Cohen took a 30 minute tennis class, whilst Miss Webster took a 30 minute basketball class! It’s fun to mix it up from time to time! Maybe we’ll do it again soon…

Hope you had a LOVELY weekend chicos! 🙂

Our learning this week

We are making poems about things we love; inspired by Rabbie Burns poem ‘My love is like a red, red rose’. We decided to note down our ideas on the characteristics and nature of our loves, using sensory vocabulary. Lol at the culprit who has chosen their bed…this had me giggling A LOT!! 😂💕😂💕

 🤳🏻Amina capturing the moment!

We went to the MUGA for the first time in yoooonks for our Outdoor PE slot. It was so much fun! We practiced our under arm and overhead serves – what a treat to have such a big space to train in!🎾🎾☀️☀️

In Numeracy, we have begun a new topic on Data Handling. We participated in a carousel learning task to practice our new skills in a collaborative context. We familiarised ourselves with Venn diagrams, different formats and vocabulary (mean, mode, median, range) for information handling, and put our knowledge to the test with some challenge cards! 📈📉📊🗂

Zainab, Sakeena, Maha, Laiba, Hafsa and Abeera celebrated getting 50 dojo points each and rewarded themselves with a fancy pasta lunch at Chez Cohen! It was delicious! 🍝

Hardworking Mimi stayed in at lunchtime to prep our Skills Swap notice board for  display, What an angel! 😍

We begun designing logos for our Global storyline community, ‘Palmora Falls’. Looking forward to the next episode after the hols!

Have a fun filled February weekend everyone!

Miss Cohen 😊

Skills Swap and Café Connect

Tomorrow, we will be having our weekly Skills Swap as normal from 13:00 -13:45. We have two amazing workshops on offer; Mrs Harker will be offering a Masseuse class (neck, shoulders, hands, potentially baby massage if some wee ones attend), plus Mimi and Zainab from P7 will be offering a Beginner’s Arabic class.

As part of tomorrow’s Café Connect (13:45 – 14:45), we will have a representative from SAMH discussing children’s mental health. All parents welcome, it will be a really interesting session!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Miss Cohen

Abernethy Kit List

Following our conversation about Abernethy this afternoon, here is the kit list for your trip that you will need;


If parents have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment on this post or phone the school office. I have a feeling we covered it all today in our discussion! Here’s a wee reminder of the main, important points made…

No electronic devices or phones allowed! (blogs will be updated with daily videos and photographs of the children’s activities)

Bring extra socks and pants for outdoor and indoor pursuits!

Pack/buy a Microfibre (lightweight) towel as discussed. They look like this and should be reasonably cheap from an outdoor shop like Decathlon.

All children should follow a strict £5 budget for the tuck shop.

Pack swimming trunks/swimsuit as this is on our programme for the week!


Miss Cohen




Tent building, in all weathers!

Today we were setting up tents by working in small groups and following a manual of instructions or using YouTube tutorials for the particular model of tent we were building.

Beforehand, we discussed the specifications we would be using for if we were purchasing our own tents online…




-room for storage (rucksacks, boots, jackets etc)

-easy to assemble and unassemble 

We had a look at some photographs of Miss Cohen’s camping adventures and were inspired. She reminded us that it’s so nice to wake up to gorgeous, peaceful scenes. The chances to do that in Scotland are plentiful. Here’s a couple of examples of Miss Cohen’s camping spots in the last few years…

Hope this has made you excited to spread the word to your parents to start planning your own Spring/Summer camping adventures!



Working with David (Miss Cohen’s talented cousin); The VoiceOver Master

Today in class, Miss Cohen filled us in our her filmmaking course that she went on yesterday and we talked about the 3 S’s and the 3 C’s of creating movies; Sound, setting, story and character, colour and camera.

We learned new techniques for holding and positioning the camera for getting the desired feel/vibe of the shot, as well as learning how to take this selection using IPads;

Here’s a selection of photos of us practicing these styles…I wonder if you can work out which is which using the info sheet above.

We then discussed our teams for the movies we are creating as part of the DTMM Community Project. As 8 of us are going to use StopMotion to create our own animations, we thought it would be really useful to explore how to use different voices and tones to explain and personify particular characters. David has had years of acting experience, and helped us to learn about how to control and use our bodies to really change the tone and scale of our projections. Here’s some examples of what we did this morning;



What a fun morning!

Thanks to David for teaching us some great tips. We will definitely share our finished videos with you!

Skill Swapping and Café Connect up and running!

On Friday afternoons, we will be hosting a Skills Swap session from 1pm – 1.45pm. This gives parents, teachers, community members, partners and community members the opportunity to learn new skills for FREE. On Friday, Sakeena and Saleeha (P7) delivered an intro to ukulele playing workshop, and Miss Cohen delivered a Beginner’s Spanish class. Please keep looking on Twitter for updates about what’s on offer on a weekly basis, as well as the Skills Swap notice board on display at the front office.

Following the Skills Swap, we invite parents to Room 10 each Friday for Cafe Connect. As our school focus was Storytelling this week, we had Gauri Raje (a professional storyteller) join us to deliver some amazing stories to the adults who attended! What a treat. Next week, we will be focusing on Mental Health Awareness for children, and will have a visit from a SAMH representative. All very interesting and exciting!