Our update of learning in Primary 7

On Monday, to celebrate the beginning of book week, we made movies on IMovie to document why we read texts/books, and then we divided ourselves into small groups and made still mimes about a chosen genre of story book (fairytales), and then we made them come to life! (Saad K)

We went to the library because it’s book week, and we selected new books for our personal collections, but also books related to our learning; The British Empire, minerals and metals for Science. (Sakeena)

We began planning our class assembly on Homelessness, which will be taking place next Tuesday. We were brainstorming different ideas for presenting. (Zainab)

We watched a documentary by Stacey Dooley on Homelessness and made notes about the different characters’; Josh, Millie and Shelby (Rayan)

We were discussing what we would be making for the Christmas Fayre. (Anum)

We introduced budgeting and Money into our Maths work, and we went onto Sky Scanner to find Miss Cohen a cheap getaway destination for the Christmas holidays! (Salahudin)

We continued practicing our Athletics skills, but learned how to pass the relay baton whilst running. It looks a lot easier than it actually feels when passing to your team mate on the spot!

We did a class Secret Santa, where we’ll all buy a special someone from P7 a gift and exchange them! Date to be confirmed! £7 is our budget, wow we are relating everything to money and spending! (Amina)

Mimi, Taqwah, Saleeha, Sakeena, Anum, Rayan, Maha, Saad S, Arhum, Eshaal and Miss Cohen went to visit the Govanhill Swap Market as part of a Social Enterprise and Employability skills trip. We were learning about their cashless system where community members can swap and donate items/skills/services. We are hoping to create our very own St Albert’s currency, and recreate this business model to suit our local community and context. The services provided and exchanged can be available to our whole St Albert’s community (teachers, pupils, parents, partners). A very exciting project indeed!

And, of course, we finished off our trip with an ESSENTIAL trip to the park. Hello Friday – we are very much looking forward to the weekend!

Happy Fri-YAY! Enjoy your weekends and I’ll see you all for more fun next week 🙂

Miss Cohen


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