Monthly Archives: October 2018

An inspirational storyteller…

Primary 7 were lucky to attend a Storytelling session with Ben and Geeta Ramanujam, an Indian guest. Geeta was amazing to listen to, and really funny! She told a laugh out loud tale about her experiences at school, and sitting beside her friend Ragu (who was generously big and had two sticky out teeth). They had a head to head collision and Ragu’s front teeth were found in her head when she split it open…crazy huh?!

It’s really inspirational that Geeta has found a job that she LOVES doing. She said that telling stories keeps her feeling young, and she likes to make people smile! Well she certainly did that on Thursday afternoon.


Homework W.B. 8th October

During this morning’s assembly, Mrs Martin and Mr Stewart showed you the following video;

This week, our school focus is ‘Being Active’. How does playing sport benefit your body (physical) and brain (mental)? Summarize your findings from the video in a few bullet points.

Are you part of a team? Have you experienced any of the benefits suggested in the video? Write a blurb about your personal sporting triumphs.

If you have a tablet/smartphone – try listening to the following podcast on Spotify, OverCast or Castbox (all free applications you can download straight onto your device)

Deliciously Ella – The science behind why exercise is good for your body and your mind, with Dr. Brendan Stubbs.

It is very informative about the above theme. Record and comment on facts and statistics you learn throughout the listening experience about the benefits of physical exercise on your mental well-being!

Outdoor Learning Week


We started off Outdoor Learning week by having an Outdoor Assembly on Monday morning with Mrs Harker. We sang some songs! I’d like to learn ‘Head, shoulders, knees and toes’ in French during Term 2…we should do that!

During Maths time, we used our knowledge of finding the volume of cuboids (length x breadth x height), to measure the volume of different cuboids in the outdoor area; Mrs Harker’s car, the football pitch, the climbing wall, the sheltered area and the gardening shed…to name a few! We used trundle wheels and measuring tapes to do this.

For P.E., we set up our Circuits outdoors and Miss Cohen played some motivational music from her speakers! This kept us going through those tough tricep dip exercises, ooft!!

In the afternoon, we met Mr. McCormack in the hall to have a run through with more space to move and boogie. We rehearsed in rows, like a Samba band would, and this gave us more freedom to dance and perform. The improvement was tremendous!

We took our Samba practice to the hall, so that we could experiment with space and composition!


We have been learning about 3D shapes and their properties in Maths. We went oudoors to make 3D shape nets using natural materials! The straightforward shapes like the square based pyramid were pretty easy to do, but the octahedron was reeeeeeally tricky!

In preparation for Wednesday’s geocaching adventures, we practiced map reading inside using Google Maps and the Geocaching app. We discussed that directions can also be given using different mediums – one of which being a co-ordinate grid. We played battleships with our partner to revise using co-ordinates to find one another’s ships! Miss Cohen became really confused because people kept shouting “Miss” when they missed a boat, not because they wanted her attention lol!


We went geocaching to Queen’s Park on Wednesday morning, with Primary 6/7 and Primary 6. We used our phones to track and map different geocaching locations in the park, and went on the hunt for treasure. My group managed to find FIVE geocachers, woooop!

We will be writing instructions on how to Geocache tomorrow, and will post some excellent examples of this on the blog. Watch this space…

And we earned a well deserved play in the park before we headed up the road!


In a bid to improve the Outdoor space in our upper school playground, we have decided to upcycle tyres to create a model similar to this…

In order to do this, we split up into teams. Artists started by painting the tyres;

Our local MP came to check out the work we have been doing as part of OLW!

We cleaned them beforehand to get rid of any excess oil or dirt!

We dug a patch of land outside the sensory garden and transported the land to the tyres, ready for filling next time! A lot of hard graft…we were sweating!

Stay tuned for progress on our project, we’re hoping to complete it soon!


Overall, a really enjoyable OLW had by all. And it is true what they say, the fresh air definitely makes you feel more tired!

What were your fave moments of OLW?

Was there anything you would have done differently?

Anything you would have liked to do but didn’t get the chance?

Under pressure (cue Queen music)

We’ve been developing our talking and listening skills this Term, in prep for a public speaking competition in Holyrood (for those who wish to participate).

Here’s some vids of us in action playing the ’30 second chat’ game, where you have to choose a random subject from the hat and talk about it for thirty seconds. Trust us, it’s a lot harder than it sounds!

They did really well under the pressure of the clock. Why don’t you challenge a family member to try the same activity, giving them a theme or a statement to discuss!


Geocaching adventures on Wednesday

Hi Primary 7 and Parents,

For Wednesday’s Outdoor Learning activity, we will be using the Geocaching application on our mobile phones to locate treasure and improve our mapping and directional skills.  Bring your phones to school and we will get into small groups to go ‘Geocaching’. Exciting!

Here is a link to the application that I would like you to download onto your phone on Tuesday evening, in prep for Wednesday.

The logo on the app store is at the top of this post, FYI.

Looking forward to it,

Miss Cohen

Outdoor Learning Week homework

Good morning Primary 7,
As it is Outdoor Learning week, here are a few research tasks that you can do at home:
1. How many trees fell in the local area/Glasgow during storm Ali? What impact will this have on the environment? Consider factors such as air pollution, air quality in cities, habitat destruction.
Why is it important to plant trees in urban areas? Can you cite green cities that are modelling this successfully?
2. Identify the tree species we have in our school and local area. Tally your results, research the different species of tree, research their origins and determine whether they are native.
What are the benefits/disadvantages of having these species of tree in the school or local area?
Which plants could we plant or add that would be beneficial to our environment?
If you are posting or tweeting any of your homework, could you please hashtag the following;
#AwayandPlay       #playeveryday         #outdoorlearning
Thank you!
Miss Cohen

Learning about 3D shapes!

Last week in Maths, we began looking at 3D shapes and their properties. We did a fun learning carousel where we played 3D shape loop cards, created a Venn diagram to categorise the faces of different shapes, shape bingo, true or false questions in our textbooks and an interactive game on the smart board.

Mimi designed and created an amazing 3D model as part of her homework – a lighthouse. She used paper, card, a bike light, a CD, a pringles tub, ice lolly sticks, shells and a Ferrero rochero case to make her model. It looked so realistic, and perfectly made to scale!

We will continue learning about 3D shape during Outdoor Learning week, where we will be using natural materials to construct shape nets and calculating the volumes of 3D shapes using mathematic formulas!