Our visit to The Hidden Gardens πŸƒπŸ

We went on a trip to The Hidden Gardens to learn more about how food is grown. This trip helped us understand our topic of organic food more.Β 

Rhona took us on a tour of The Hidden Gardens and told us all about different plants and how they grow.Β 

We saw pumpkins, peppers and grapes that were grown in The Hidden Gardens. We were able to try the grapes too!!Β 

Do you think Zack liked the grapes?Β 

Rhona taught us about the places that different fruits and vegetables are grown.

Then, we got to plant our own pea plant using soil and seeds. We know that we need sunlight and water to help seeds grow.Β 

We tasted the pea plant that Rhona has already grown. Are you enjoying that Sarmud?Β 

Our fantastic visit finished with us being able to try some organic apples. They were delicious and juicy!Β 

Film Making for Mental Health πŸŽ¬πŸ“½

We have been learning about mental health as part of our health and well-being.

Mental health is the health of your mind and it is important to have good mental health and be a happy, positive person.

We’ve been learning about the benefits doing physical exercise has on your mental health.

To finish the topic and assess our learning, Miss McCue asked us to work in pairs to create a 1 minute film on mental health and how physical health can benefit our mental health.

It was so much fun and we can’t wait to improve our digital skills in Primary 6.

Book Bugs @ Pollokshields Library πŸ“šπŸ“š

Today we walked to Pollokshields Library and talked with the librarians about genres of books and what kind of books we like.Β 

We were allowed to choose our own books and used the library’s sorting system to find the book we wanted. Β 

Taking out books from the librarian was so much fun!Β 

As a treat, we stopped in at the park on the way back to school for a play.Β 

Outdoor Learning πŸƒπŸŒž

We took our maths learning outdoors today and investigated our school grounds to see what shapes we could find.Β 

We noticed that the roof of the outdoor classroom is made out of 8 triangles. It’s an octagon! We also found lots of tyres which are a circle shape.Β 

Saad spotted a berry and told us it was a sphere shape. That’s a really hard word to say … sphere πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Β 

Jazil pointed out that the bike stands are like semi-circles.Β 

The shed in the upper playground is made up of lots of different shapes.Β 

Hamza found the fire pit and told us all it’s a circle shape!Β 

We had some fun playing the glockenspiel in the sensory garden and each note is a cylinder.Β 

We explored the infant playground and found more shapes. We even had time to do some climbing on our way to the pitch.Β 

When we got onto the pitch, we worked in groups to make shapes. We made (tried to) a circle, a rectangle and a diamond. The group with the best shape won 10 points πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

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