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Our learning

We have been learning about fractions and understand that it is like dividing.

We have also been learning how to make different charts. First we had to do a survey and used our answers to make a bar graph and pie chart using excel on the computer.


We we made empire biscuits in class and enjoyed eating them at snack time. It was super easy to do, maybe we could show you how to make them at home.

Primary 3 learning this week

P3 were learning about ART SCIENCE. Exploring 4 types of paper to see which flies best. They learned about using light, medium and hard pencil markings in art. They learned about gravity and thrust, lift and drag. Please ask your child to tell you about it. Thank you

P3 had lots of fun in the mud kitchen pulling Mrs Mc Fadden down the hill on a plastic sheet, rolling tyres and playing football.

P3 went to hunt for bugs in the garden.


Yesterday P3 worked together to make and decorate fairy cakes for their playtime snack. They followed the instructions correctly and the cakes turned out great.


This morning we watched a short film. It was paused and we then had to predict what happened next.

The film was called High Diving Giraffes.

Here are our predictions



Our week

I learned about problem solving. (Sofia)

I learned about time – the big hand shows the minutes past or to an hour. (Sarim)

I learned about traffic lights for my feelings, this helps me to control my behaviour when I am feeling angry. (Adam)

I learned about different feelings including happy and sad. (Aiman)

I was challenged in numeracy with a speed challenge to work out answers to halves, doubles and HTU sums. (Hamza)

We painted a picture of something interesting I saw outside.  We had to make an interesting sentence using adjectives to describe our paintings. (Zainab & Kalsoom)

I learned about Down Syndrome Awareness Day.  Some people wore odd socks. (Sarim)

I learned that when a baby is in the mummy’s tummy they get an extra chromosome and that is when Down Syndrome happens. (Hamza)

Learning this week

We were reviewing our topic learning to perform at our assembly.

I enjoyed singing the Loch Lomond song. (Haania)

I enjoyed making actions to our Coulters Candy song (Shadi)

Jasim enjoyed singing Ally Bally

Minal practiced hard to perform a Scottish dance.

We learned about William Wallace. He was beheaded (Adam)

Aisha gained confidence when performing her speech.

Aimen enjoyed performing on the stage.

Kalsoom was very confident when she read her part in the Tam O Shanter poem.

Faique developed amazing confidence when she presented to the audience.

This weeks learning in P3

We went to the Mitchell library for the Awe Write festival. We investigated a mystery story with the author, Mike Nicholson. Then we wrote our own mystery stories.

For World Book day we dressed as our characters from our story book.

We were learning to answer challenging multiplication sums.

We were practicing hard for our assembly which is next Thursday at 2pm. The topic is beaches in Scotland.