All posts by Dunnet

Our learning

We have been learning about fractions and understand that it is like dividing.

We have also been learning how to make different charts. First we had to do a survey and used our answers to make a bar graph and pie chart using excel on the computer.


We we made empire biscuits in class and enjoyed eating them at snack time. It was super easy to do, maybe we could show you how to make them at home.


Yesterday P3 worked together to make and decorate fairy cakes for their playtime snack. They followed the instructions correctly and the cakes turned out great.


This morning we watched a short film. It was paused and we then had to predict what happened next.

The film was called High Diving Giraffes.

Here are our predictions



Our week

I learned about problem solving. (Sofia)

I learned about time – the big hand shows the minutes past or to an hour. (Sarim)

I learned about traffic lights for my feelings, this helps me to control my behaviour when I am feeling angry. (Adam)

I learned about different feelings including happy and sad. (Aiman)

I was challenged in numeracy with a speed challenge to work out answers to halves, doubles and HTU sums. (Hamza)

We painted a picture of something interesting I saw outside.  We had to make an interesting sentence using adjectives to describe our paintings. (Zainab & Kalsoom)

I learned about Down Syndrome Awareness Day.  Some people wore odd socks. (Sarim)

I learned that when a baby is in the mummy’s tummy they get an extra chromosome and that is when Down Syndrome happens. (Hamza)


Group – Apples / Bananas






Watch the following short film and write the story in your jotter. Remember to use capital letters, full stops, adjective and connectives.  For extra challenge write about how the character is feeling.

Play Trapped on top marks literacy games. You need to put the sentences into the correct order.

Read your online books. Remember this is to help you to become a more confident reader.






Play hit the button. Make number bonds to 20 and write down your score.


Play Sumdog. Login and play the maths games to earn coins and prizes.


Challenge yourself with multiplication sums. You can find them on the maths aids website.  Copy into your homework jotter and work out the answer – no cheating! J


Group – Strawberries






Read your online books. Remember this is to help you to become a more confident reader.


Watch the following short film and draw the story in your jotter. Remember you can add some words if you like but the important thing is you can look at your pictures to retell the story. Make sure it is in the correct order.


Practise more reading skills on Starfall. Start with the first book and write down any tricky words you see.






Do adding sums in your homework jotter. Try your best to work out the answer, you can use counters to help.


Play hit the button. Choose number bonds to 10.


Play Sumdog maths games to earn coins and prizes. Your login is on the orange card in your folder.


Our learning

I learned about different languages. (Hamza)

I learned greater than and less than using these symbols <>. (Muhammad M)

I learned about friendly numbers. (Sarim)

I learned about thousands, hundreds, tens and units. (Haania)

I learned about time. (Kalsoom)

I learned how to use question marks and exclamation marks in sentences. (Hamza)

I learned how to use a glockenspiel in music. (Mahrosh)

I learned the parable of The Lost Sheep.  The sheep was distracted by a butterfly and followed it until he became lost. In the end the shepherd found his sheep again . (Muhammad M)

I learned how to get the basketball in the goal during pe. (Aiman)

I did some drama about being scared using the Bear Hunt story. (Tayiba)


P3 termly overview



In term 2 we reinforced our phonics and spelling strategies to help us improve our literacy skills.

We learned how to predict, summarise and compare texts. We reinforced our learning using story maps which allow us to draw a story rather than write it. This helps us to remember the story when we are telling it to an audience.

This term we are using Charlie and the Chocolate factory as our class novel. We will learn new vocabulary and work with a reading partner to improve our own reading skills. We are even going to make our own chocolates!

We will continue to use our reading strategies to learn about self-questioning, determining importance and inferring. For our written work we will begin to use more punctuation, create a variety of texts and start joined handwriting.

Please ensure your child is logging on to Bug Club to read their online books, this will really improve their reading skills.


We will continue to practise mental maths and times tables every day. This should be reinforced at home. We have learned about place value and continue to practise sums with 3 digit numbers. We know our times tables up to 5 and will be learning 6, 7 and 8 this term. We will also look at division and practise sharing things equally to reinforce what division means. We have started to investigate symmetry and we are continuing to look at the world around us to see if we can spot symmetrical items. We are going to learn about time this term, wish us luck!

Other Areas

We have done a lot of cooking over the last 2 terms and will continue to use these skills, we are looking forward to making our own chocolates.

We really enjoyed our performance of that Nativity and we are sure you will agree it was a great success. Everyone enjoyed learning new songs, practising lines and acting out their scenes.

Our topic this term is Scottish Beaches; please encourage your children to continue with their homework research. We will find out how to have a ‘Stay-cation’ in Scotland during the holidays and will send a list of activities home that you could do with your family in Scotland. We are also taking part in Determined to Dance and will create a dance about being at the beach.

Useful Resources

The following websites have some useful resources to help your child at home and can be accessed on a computer or tablet.

Maths Aids (create a variety of sums for your child to do at home).

Sumdog (children have their own login for maths games).

Top Marks (literacy and numeracy games).