Our learning.

I have been learning about Scotland. I researched how to get to a beach on Islay. Do you know it will take over 5 hours to get there! (Aisha A)

I learned about symmetry. (Tayiba)

I have been learning the 5x table. (Kalsoom)

I have been practising a dance during PE. It is all about beaches. (Haania)

I have been learning about alphabetical order.  If some words start with the same letter, I need to put them into order using the second letter. (Hamza)

I wrote and presented a poem about My Day. (Sofia)

I wrote a creative story about Islay. (Sarim)

I was having fun on the Playbus.  There was a slide, a ball pit and soft play area. (Rayan)

I researched how much it would cost to visit Islay on a school trip. (Noor)

I worked in a group to make a poster about Islay.  I wrote down some facts about the island. (Hamza)


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