Our learning

We have been learning to do a dance about Scottish beaches. Zainab

We have been learning about emotions. We learned about being tired, excited and fine. Haania

We have been up levelling sentences to make them interesting for our reader. Sarim

We were learning ‘oa’ words. Kalsoom

During our dance lesson we split into 4 different beaches and did different moves – like waves, sandcastles and an island. Hamza

We have been learning about Islay. Aisha

We have been learning about Ayr beach and what kind of food they have. Talha

We have been practising number bonds to 100 using a beaded number line. Tayiba

We have been improving our dictionary skills. Sarim

We have been revising place value using hundreds, tens and units. Haania

We have been learning about alphabetical order. Tayiba


Our learning.

I have been learning about Scotland. I researched how to get to a beach on Islay. Do you know it will take over 5 hours to get there! (Aisha A)

I learned about symmetry. (Tayiba)

I have been learning the 5x table. (Kalsoom)

I have been practising a dance during PE. It is all about beaches. (Haania)

I have been learning about alphabetical order.  If some words start with the same letter, I need to put them into order using the second letter. (Hamza)

I wrote and presented a poem about My Day. (Sofia)

I wrote a creative story about Islay. (Sarim)

I was having fun on the Playbus.  There was a slide, a ball pit and soft play area. (Rayan)

I researched how much it would cost to visit Islay on a school trip. (Noor)

I worked in a group to make a poster about Islay.  I wrote down some facts about the island. (Hamza)


Our learning journey this week.

This week we have been learning about:

  • Symmetry
  • 4x table with division challenge
  • Up levelling sentences
  • Our visions, values and aims
  • Emotions and how we can tell what someone is feeling
  • How to keep the beat and rhythm in music
  • Dance with a dance coach
  • Our new class novel Charlie and the chocolate factory
  • Scotland and it’s beautiful beaches

Our first week back.

This week I learned about symmetry.  This is when you have a shape, you can fold or draw a line  through the middle and it looks the same on each side. (Aisha A)

This week I practised my 4x tables and learned how to work out the answers. (Mahrosh)

I learned about New Year’s Resolutions. My resolution was to eat more healthy foods. (Tayiba)

I have been using adjectives and different openers in my writing. (Haania)

I started the activity in the back of my Bug Club book. I had to make a Dragon charm using crafts. (Hamza)

I have been learning about gymnastics for PE. (Sarim)