P3 – our week

I have been learning how to do chimney sums. (Zainab Adnan)

I learned to summarise a story. (Noor Dekkak)

I learned how to partition sums. (Sofia Zamir)

I was using a Tee Jay book independently for number work. (Sarim Malik)

I was making spelling words with magnetic letters. (Nimrah Ali)

I learned how to predict, this means I use the information I have read to think what might happen next. (Sanjog Singh)

I was learning to jump over hurdles, pass a hula hoop over my body and kick a ball through cones. (Hamza Alam)

I learned how to split tens and units. (Kalsoom Afridi)

Apple pie

Today we made Apple Pies using the apples we picked in the school  garden.  We followed a recipe and learned how to chop and slice safely.  We also learned how to use the school cooker.



This week we been learning…

This week we have practised our spelling words at active stations and created interesting sentences.  We also created a character and wrote an imaginative story about how our characters used their superpowers.  Some characters used ice to freeze teachers, turned books into candy and one even turned people into bananas! Our grammar focus this week was question marks so we tried to use them in our writing.  Our listening skills and reading skills were tested with comprehension exercises this week. We read all about rabbits and answered questions.  We also listened carefully to statements and completed our sheets correctly.

We practised number bonds, adding sums and rounding numbers in our numeracy jotters.  We even used our math skills to weigh ingredients when making jam.

Our school vision, values and aims are important to us and we discussed how these are often seen at home, in the community and where some of us go to pray.  It’s all about being kind and caring for everyone.


Jam making

This week we decided to make jam. We had to risk assess the outdoor area where we were picking berries. There were lots of jaggy nettles and some slippy mud but we were careful and responsible.  We also wrote down the recipe and used our numeracy skills for weighing the ingredients.  Here are some photos of our fabulous jam.