P3 Friday update

This week we have been writing sentences using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.  We have been reading new story books.  In class we used I-pads to practise our numeracy skills and have been learning number bonds.

We practised our handwriting and will learn to do joined handwriting this year.

We learned to do patterns in our numeracy jotter.

On Thursday we created a story map to help us re tell the story of The Lost Wag. It was a story about a dog who became sad and lost it’s waggy tail.

During Health and Wellbeing we learned about choices and our rights.  We know how to stay safe by making good choices.

At home we practised spelling words for our Friday spelling test and we got new logins for Sumdog to play math games.

Our week.

School was quiet for a couple of days as some of us were celebrating Eid which meant we had the lunch hall to ourselves.  It was so much fun!

We learned to make patterns using concrete materials and we also did some great writing activities.