All posts by Miss Kinloch

Halves and Halloween 🎃


This week we have been talking loads about halves. We know that halving something means splitting it into two equal parts. Miss Kinloch tried to trick us by splitting biscuits in two but we knew it wasn’t half because hers was always bigger!!

We practised halving Halloween biscuits and then we enjoyed munching them after!

We have been practising blending our cvs words (please help us learn to blend by going over the word lists in our homework folders)! Mano was able to write the word ten all by herself! What an achievement! 


Have a look at our Halloween costumes!

Outdoor Learning Week

We have had a fantastic week being outdoors and learning about shape, sustainability and sounds! have a look at some photos from our amazing week!

We were learning the sound h! A hedgehog came to visit our class!




We went to the park to pond dip! We were searching for bog babies but we didn’t find any!

Aila and Hasnain sent Miss Kinloch photographs of their homework! Aila found things that began with s and Hasnain created a patterned sock. Please remember homework folders are to be returned next Thursday the 11th of  October. Any  photographs of homework can be sent to


Have a great weekend!!

Miss K and P1A XX

Our week in P1a

This week in Primary 1a we have been learning loads! We have learned two new sounds ‘ck’ and ‘e’ and we have really enjoyed playing sounds games and learning to write these sounds properly. We have now covered sounds

s a t i p n c k e so we should know how to spot these sounds when we are out and about!

We are also working really hard on our numbers to 20. We want to be able to count forwards and backwards to 20, recognise any number to 20, write any number to 20 and say the numbers before and after any given number. We would love it if you would question us on these kinds of things at home!

This week was our first family play session and we loved it! Please remember Family Play Science will be on at 9:15am every Wednesday morning. Please check your child’s group and group rotation for that week on Miss Kinloch’s classroom door.

Homework will begin on Monday 1st October. As discussed with parents, homework will consist of a grid with 8 activities to be completed at your leisure, in any order, over a two week period. Please send any photographs of your child completing homework tasks to

Have a look at our learning this week in photographs below!



Scottish Learning Festival!

This week some Primay 1 children went along to the Scottish Learning Festival to share what we know about road safety! We met the minister and even met Ziggy! We had a great morning!



This week we also were learning bout gathering information and sharing it in pictograms. We walked around Pollokshields and counted how many different buildings we could see. We saw houses, flats, temples, schools and mosques. We then went back to school and drew a pictogram to show this information.



Eshaal also shared some of the fantastic things she has been doing with her dad at home! Eshaal made a solar panelled car and told us all about how the sun creates energy to make the car go! Fantastic home learning!!


Have a fantastic September Weekend P1! See you again on Tuesday!


Miss K Xx

P1a is a Construction Site 🚧🔨

We have been building towers and playing with the time lapse features of the iPads!

We have been learning about famous buildings. We looked at pictures of the Eiffel Tower and investigated how it was made! We then decided to work as  team to build our own Eiffel Tower. Maleeha had been to Paris so we voted for her as the forewoman. She made the plans and told us all what to do to make the tower!

Miss K and P1a xxx

Our week in P1a

I am making a bug number tower – Mano

I am doing numbers – Huzaifa

I am playing with the bell with Amer – Musa

I am counting numebrs on a number fence – Armaan

I am building numbers – Hasnain

I am putting number blocks together – Abdullah

A big tall tower of numbers – Owais

Tomato! T t t t – Abdullah

I am counting with sticky paper – Ajwa

I am doing paper numbers – Eshaal

I am drawing circles and counting – Huzaifa

I am counting up to 10 – Abdullah

I did paper numbers up to 20 – Maleeha

I am finding things that start with t – Maleeha

We are looking at Mano’s selfie

I am ordering numbers to 20. I took a photo of my toes on the iPad for t  – Mano

That’s me! I am doing numbers – Musa

I found everything with t – Abdulhadi

I found a turtle for t – Eisa

I found a tissue for t. I am holding the iPad – Musa


Thanks for looking at our learning this week! We loved looking at the photos of ourselves and we hope you do too!


Miss K and P1a xx



Perfect P1 Patterns

This week in P1a we have been exploring patterns through play! We have been creating colour patterns and shape patterns. We have even been outside looking for patterns in nature! Have a look at our learning this week!

Miss K and P1a xx

Our First Week In Primary 1


We have had an amazing week in Primary 1a with Miss Kinloch! This is our class blog where you will be able to keep up to date with what we are learning in class. You will be able to see photos of us and you can comment on each blog post below. WE weould love to hear your thoughts xx

We made telescopes at the construction area and then acted out the story Room on the Broom!
I am learning how to write my name by myself! 

We read the story Dear Zoo and then we wrote our own letters to the zoo and put them inside envelopes! 

Mr McCormack was helping us make tall towers at the construction area.

We were completing patterns on the smart boards and learning to take turns!

I was sorting colours and matching numbers to quantities. 

I made Miss Kinloch a Birthday cake!

We were working together to make the train tracks connect.

We were playing with the dinosaurs and naming them. I am identifying colours, following patterns and developing fine motor skills.

I was exploring printing at the creative area.

I am kneading the dough to make bread.

We were working together to make cookies for everyone!

Musa is reading us all a story!

We are playing in the dentist area. We were practising brushing and phoning people to make appointments.

I am writing a letter to the zoo – can I have a giraffe please?

We went to our first assembly!

I am playing outside and practising balancing! 

I was putting on a show with the pom poms

We are rolling the hoop to each other.

I am balancing on the buckets!

I am investigating the wooden Rhino – Miss K brought it back from Malawi, Africa!

We are building a robot together at the construction area.