All posts by Miss Kinloch

Guess what we are thinking!

This week our reading book is ‘The Dream’. We noticed that Biff had a thought bubble coming out of her head on the front cover. We explored thought bubbles some more and used our digital skills to create a learning video about thought bubbles! Have a look at our work!

اس ہفتے ہماری پڑھنے والی کتاب ‘خواب’ ہے. ہم نے محسوس کیا کہ بیف نے اس کا سر سامنے کا احاطہ کرنے کے لۓ ایک سوچ بلبلا تھا. ہم نے صوتی بلبلوں کو مزید کچھ تلاش کیا اور ہماری ڈیجیٹل مہارتوں کو سوچا بلبلی کے بارے میں سیکھنے والی ویڈیو تخلیق کرنے کے لئے استعمال کیا! ہمارے کام پر نظر رکھو!


A very short week!

We have had loads of fun sharing our stories from the long weekend! No homework this week but have a look in bags on Monday for next week’s homework and reading books!


On Wednesday, Mrs Thomas came to teach us more about syllables through music!

We have also been learning a new strategy to solve addition problems. We already know we can use our fingers, cubes and we can draw a picture to solve problems! Today we were learning how to use a number line! Have a look at our learning and ask us to show you how to use a number line at home!

February Fun!

This week we have been working on our reading skills. Here is Musa reading some of his Key Words! Well Done Musa!


Aila was working with the blending lights to blend words with our new ‘oo’ sound!

We are still learning all about Glasgow! Eshaal remembered that we had gone on a trip way back in September and had seen The Hydro! Miss Kinloch searched for the photo and we remembered being there!



Mano managed to write all her numbers to 40 this week! We talked a little bit about tens and units and how we can ‘draw’ numbers too!


Remember! No school on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday next week!

Have a fabulous February Break!

Miss K and P1a xx

This week we had a visit from from the RSPB. We were learning all about nature. We looked for colours in the playground.  We were learning all about our senses. We use our eyes to see,  our nose to smell,  our hands to touch, and mouth to taste.

We also formed a band this week in music. We played lots of different instruments. We played the drum, the shaker, the triangle and the wood block.  Have a look at the video below to see our performance.

We have been learning all about Glasgow. Have a look at the display boards below.

We have also been practising everything we are getting very good at recognising familiar words. Please help us to do this at home by practising these words.


Every day, we practise our number formation to 20. We always try to form our numbers better than we did the day before. We look to check that our numbers are facing the right way too. You can do activities like this with us at home, look at some of our fantastic formation!

Eshaal combined her knowledge of pattern and money to make a coin pattern!

The boys had loads of fun making a dinosaur castle with the blocks during choosing time!


Have a fun filled weekend!

Miss K and P1a xx


We have been learning about money. My favourite coin is £2 – Alina

I have been learning about feelings. I know about sad people not having friends and how to be a good friend -Alvina

We have been learning our Key Words like Biff Chip Dad Mum and Kipper – Ajwa

We are learning to read. We want to be readers by Easter! – Aila

We were learning about happy and sad. When I am with friends I feel happy – Maleeha

We have been learning about Glasgow and St Mungo and the People’s Palace – Alvina

We were on the playbus – Abdullah Q

Wewere playing in the snow and Miss Kinloch got hit with a giant snowball!


This week, we voted to sit in our own special seats! We will still be learning through play in P1 but these set seats just give us more space for when we are completing independent activities! Look how excited we are!! 

We have been learning loads this week! In Literacy, we are focussing on our new sounds ‘oa’ and ‘ie’ and we are also learning our yellow tricky words! We are working on or reading skills and are loving having our grown up reading books! Ask us to read to you at home! Remember to ask us questions about the story as well as supporting us in reading the words!

In Numeracy, we are working ver hard to learn our number bonds to 10. these are numbers you can add together to make 10! Have a look at our work!

We have also been working on shape! We sorted 3D objects into different categories. Here we are sorting which objects can and can’t roll!

In our PATHS lessons, we are learning about feeling angry. We know different strategies we can use when we begin to feel angry or frustrated. We know when people feel angry, they are angry at a behaviour or situation and it doesn’t change how they feel about us! We had a close look at different parts of our faces to see what angry looks like! We chose angry eyes, an angry mouth and angry eyebrows to make our super angry face!

Miss K and P1a xx

First Week Back

This week we have been learning alot about our tricky words! We have been practising blending too! We are determined to be readers by Easter!!


We had a very special treat this week. Baldy Bane Theatre came in to perform a panto. We loved it and all want to be actors when we grow up now!!

I learned tricky words. There are so many and I can read them all! – Aila

I learned about even and odd numbers – Hasnain

I learned tricky words. They are my favourite – Eisa

I learned about Glasgow. It’s a very old city – Alvina

I was working on my tricky words at home with mum – Abdullah

We learned a new tricky word. It was ‘are’ – Mano

Glasgow is an old city with very old libraries – Eshaal

We learned about the ‘oa’ sound. You can make ‘oa’ with o and a – Alina

I have been learning all about money and coins – Zayn

I have a new book. Chip and Kipper are in the book. And Mum and Dad – Amer

I learned about money. £1 is 100p – Maleeha

£2 is 200p – Aila

We learned about adding. Adding is countins altogether – Aila

We have been counting and sorting coins – Mano

We were playing with the little coins – Inayah



Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year P1 children, parents and families! I hope everyone had a relaxing holiday and you are all ready for the amazing learning we are going to be undertaking in Term 3 💪🏼

This week’s homework grid looks a bit different! This week we are solely focusing on getting to grips with the new reading books and working on learning the Stage 1 Key Words. These words go alongside the tricky words.

Please support your child’s learning in class by reinforcing these words at home. These words are :

Biff, Chip, Kipper, Mum, Dad, Floppy, and, a , the.

Once your child can recognise these words, they should be able to read the Stage One readers with ease.


Thanks for your your continued support! It’s going to be a good one!


Miss Kinloch xx

Forest School Fun 🌳

We have started our amazing Forest school learning! We designed our own forest school badges, talked about the rules of forest school then had a lovely story and hot chocolate! Abdulhadi even found a very interesting mushroom growing on his long seat! 🍄

We have also been working really hard on our reading skills! We are working on blending our sounds and learning our tricky words. You can help us at home by going over our blending cards and tricky word sheets (both laminated in the homework folders).