All posts by Miss Kinloch

Back to business in P1a!

Welcome back everyone! Hope you all had a fantastic two weeks off (and then the extra 4 days for Easter). Homework and reading books with resume as normal on Monday!


We have been practising our blending and sentence constructing this week! We are becoming more independent with our reading and writing!

We made lovely little Easter chicks to celebrate Springtime arriving!

We had our Tiger Who Came to Tea Party with our families! We made jam sandwiches, decorated biscuits and wrote our own name tags for the tea party!


We have been learning all about time. Miss Kinloch asked us this really tricky Big Question! See how we worked it out…


Then we tried this even harder one!


Have a a look at our solutions.



Lots of of hard work and impressive laerning evoking on this week! Have a wonderful weekend xx

Forest school fun!

This week at Forest School, we mixed our own paint! We used mud, fairy liquid and food colouring the create our paints! Then we painted the pallets outside to make them look nice! Have a look at our work!




We we have also been learning the sound  qu this week! We made queen’s crowns and stuck on pictures of things that started with the qu sound!



The Glasgow Bus (and other fun)

On Thursday we finally got to go on our Glasgow Bus Trip! We saw all of the buildings we had been learning about in real life! Have a look at the photos from our wonderful day out!

We had a great day and we were  all very sleepy when we got back to school!


In in other news, e have also been doing some real writing and summarising this week. We read the story of The Very Hunrgy Caterpillar and made fruit prints!



World Book Week!

This week we have been loving learning all about books! We focussed on Julia Donaldson books and managed to find loads of books in our class library written by her! We read :

The Gruffalo

The Gruffalo’s Child

A Squash and a Squeeze

Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book

Room on the Broom

The Scarecrow’s Wedding

Monkey Puzzle

What the Ladybird Heard

Aila managed to go to the library and pick up more books by Julia Donaldson too! She found ‘Wake up do, Lydia Lou’ and ‘Paper Dolls’. The library is a fantastic resource! Well done Aila for visiting!


We we really loved learning all about the Gruffalo this week! On Tuesday some of us went on a Gruffalo Hunt outside! Look at our learning!

We found clues that led us to characters! Once we came back inside, there were some interesting treats for us! We ate roasted fox, scrambled snake and owl ice cream (or at least we pretended to).


We focussed on the reading strategy ‘connecting’ this week. This is when you read a book and you think about how it connects to your life. We played a game called ‘I remember when…’ as Miss Kinloch read ‘What the Ladybird Heard’. Have a look at our connections below!

Book week is all about loving reading. Here are some photos of us relaxing in our library reading our favourite books.


We we have started to realise that our tricky words and key words are not just inside our reading books! We explored library books looking for words we knew already!

P1 have had a wonderful week full of stories and reading! Please continue to read to us and tell us stories at home!


Miss K and P1a xx

Lots of Learning in P1a!



Alvina has been working on her number formation for two weeks and she in making huge progress! Great work Alvina!

Subhan has just come back from his holiday in Pakistan and told us he was practising his numbers on th  plane! Well Done Subhan!


We have been playing with our class photos and sorting them into categories. We sorted boys and girls, people with and without glasses and here we have sorted who has older siblings in school and who doesn’t!

We read the Glasgow Gruffalo this week and learned some Glasgow slang! Here is a video of us speaking Glaswegian! We laughed lots!



World Book Day Information!

Please see below for our information letter on World Book Day!

Dear Parent/Carer

WORLD BOOK DAY 7th March 2019

World Book Day is a celebration! It’s a celebration of authors, illustrators, books and (most importantly) it’s a celebration of reading. In fact, it’s the biggest celebration of its kind, designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading, and marked in over 100 countries all over the world.

The purpose of the day is to engage children with reading and encourage children to explore the pleasures of books and reading by providing them with the opportunity to have a book of their own.

Over the year’s we’ve had some amazing celebrations including storytelling, visits to the library, dressing up and so on. All designed to promote reading.

In line with our family learning drive each class will focus the weekly home learning on reading and how precious books are. All parents are invited to visit their class to read a story with them.

As we are celebrating International Women’s Day that week classes are focussing on books written by female authors as indicated below. There will be an assembly to allow classes to showcase their learning. Your child’s home learning task is

  • To find a book written by your chosen author online/ from your home, the library or school.
  • Be able to re-tell the story through talk, drama, art or writing.
  • Dress as a character from the story on World Book Day if you wish. (Please note: World Book Day is not about expensive costumes or fancy dress, it is about celebrating books and reading. You are under no pressure for your child to dress up.)

Please choose 1 author appropriate to your class:

  • Primary 1a will be looking at different books written by Julia Donaldson! She wrote The Gruffalo, The Gruffalos Child, Stick Man, A Squash and a Squeeze and our class favourite The Scarecrows Wedding!! ( as well as many more)!

We will have loads of other activities and will look forward to seeing all parents in to read with their children from 2.30pm on Thursday 7th March.

Please look for further information on our website, including some world book day challenges.

Thank you so much. Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.


Clare Harker