This week, we voted to sit in our own special seats! We will still be learning through play in P1 but these set seats just give us more space for when we are completing independent activities! Look how excited we are!! 

We have been learning loads this week! In Literacy, we are focussing on our new sounds ‘oa’ and ‘ie’ and we are also learning our yellow tricky words! We are working on or reading skills and are loving having our grown up reading books! Ask us to read to you at home! Remember to ask us questions about the story as well as supporting us in reading the words!

In Numeracy, we are working ver hard to learn our number bonds to 10. these are numbers you can add together to make 10! Have a look at our work!

We have also been working on shape! We sorted 3D objects into different categories. Here we are sorting which objects can and can’t roll!

In our PATHS lessons, we are learning about feeling angry. We know different strategies we can use when we begin to feel angry or frustrated. We know when people feel angry, they are angry at a behaviour or situation and it doesn’t change how they feel about us! We had a close look at different parts of our faces to see what angry looks like! We chose angry eyes, an angry mouth and angry eyebrows to make our super angry face!

Miss K and P1a xx

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