We have been learning about friendships during Health and Wellbeing. On Friday we discussed how we may feel when we fall out with our friends and spoke about ways to resolve the situation. We then worked in small groups to perform a role play to the class.
We had a great time performing our dance routine with Barrowland Ballet to our audience on Thursday. Here are some photographs of us rehearsing and a short video of our warm up.
Today we were using our problem solving skills to design pom poms on a clown’s hat. It was very tricky as we could not make the same pattern more than once.
We had some time in the Open Area after working hard all day. We Learn to play fairly and use our problem solving skills to make things like jigsaws and cars. We even made a den for Moosa to fit inside! We also learn about money in the shop area when we use the till.
Yesterday we had a great performance from Baldy Bane theatre company. We had lots of fun watching the show – we even had to help find Gordon the Gorilla!
Today we have been learning about different types of text. We learned about fiction and non-fiction. We were able to sort out books into groups, here are some pictures.
We watched BBC Newsround and took part in the online debate about homework. We all voted for no homework as we feel we should be having more fun playing games or watching tv.
We are looking forward to finding out what other children in the UK voted when the results are published on Wednesday.