Happy Burns Day!


We had a great time today performing our Scottish song ‘Ye canny shove her Granny off a bus’! We learned lots of Scots language and developed our performance skills.

Watch this space for our next display of Expressive Arts learning!


Winter Fun!

This morning, we put on our hats, gloves and scarves and went outside into the snow! We practised writing our tricky words and our namesĀ in the snow. We loved playing out in the snow and hope there is more over the weekend!

P2a xxx


New Beginnings!

Welcome to our first blog post of 2017 from P2a!

This week our focus is on new beginnings.

We are all looking forward to a fresh start this term! Keep an eye on our class blog to see what we will be learning.

Hope you all had a happy holiday and are as excited for this year as we are!

Love Miss Kinloch x