P2a love numeracy

untitled1 untitled untitled2 008 005 017 006This term, we are concentrating on different strategies for solving addition and subtraction problems. We know to split numbers up into more manageable chunks to help us. This is called partitioning and it really helps us solve problems! We also love using number lines – especially blank number lines – as this is a great visual for us. We have worked with number lines that go up in ones, twos and even tens! We love working with concrete materials to aid our understanding of number. Concrete materials are used throughout our school to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems! screen-shot-2014-05-05-at-11_20_16-pmGCC (2016).

This week, we are going to learn about arrays. Arrays are pictorial patterns which can help us with repeated addition problems. We are looking forward to seeing what the next week brings!

P2a and Miss Kinloch xx



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