The Waid Academy

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Family Learning Programme

​Family learning is an approach to engaging families in learning outcomes that have an impact on the whole family. In order to support a consistent understanding of family learning Education Scotland have published a number of documents, reports, case studies and resources. Download the postcard for the current definition of family learning in Scotland.

Family Learning encourages family members to learn together as and within a family, with a focus on intergenerational learning.

Family learning activities can also be specifically designed to enable parents to learn how to support their children’s learning.

‘Family learning is a powerful method of engagement and learning which can foster positive attitudes towards life-long learning, promote socio-economic resilience and challenge educational disadvantage’ (Family Learning Network, 2016).

There are eight values that underpin the Family Learning National Occupational Standards. These are:

  • Family learning recognises the role of the parent as the first educator.
  • Family learning is inclusive and is to be offered as a universal provision with open access.
  • Family learning recognises and values diversity of culture, race, relationships and beliefs.
  • Equal partnership is the basis for all developments in family learning: all learners and educators, regardless of generation, recognise that learners and educators can frequently exchange ideas.
  • Family learning recognises that it is acceptable to make mistakes, which are part of the process of reflective learning.
  • Achievements within family learning benefit the wider learning community through promoting change and empowering individuals and communities.
  • Family learning raises aspirations and all outcomes of the process, including those which may not be overt, are of equal significance and importance.
  • Family learning operates within a culture of mutual respect for individuals, communities, colleagues and organisations.

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