What an action packed 4 days.
During our writing task we used Cluedo characters, murder weapon and room layout to create our own murder mystery. We made sure that there was a motive (a reason for the murder to take place). This has been part of a series of lessons linking together, a description of place, people and object.
For our topic we completed many science experiments including ink analysis to work out which pen/ suspect had written the confession note. We also learnt about tyre tracks and took part in a hands-on activity using paint and Lego wheels to try and pinpoint the suspect vehicle. We also examined our shoes looking for wear and tear, drawing a detailed diagram which we could match to an impression in the sand.
During maths we have started a new topic based on analysing data and charts. We explored some facts about population there are over 8 billion people in the world. We worked in groups to question what is population what are the advantages and disadvantages of an increase or a decrease in population. We have also been revising bar charts based on how we got to school and also counted the colour of cars which passed by. Miss Graham was very impressed what we remembered from her previous lesson and drew the graphs independently.
We completed lots of activities for Coronation including learning about the Commonwealth and designing our own flags and crowns. We look forward to watching it at the weekend.