Week commencing 20th March 2023

We kicked of the week with a creative writing task a creepy story where you walk into the house and everything has completely changed. Many included a cliffhanger and odd and missing furniture and relatives. We have completed writing assessments based on our various trips some of us have an even better memory than Miss Graham. We have enjoyed taking part in drama activities based on the plague and linking this to recent events such as Covid.

This week was St Joseph’s Day so we attended mass at church and heard about Joseph’s career as a carpenter which inspired us to discuss our strengths and future career choices. We designed our own trainers thinking about design, comfort and materials used. We are continuing to work hard on our mental maths. In numeracy we are learning about Venn diagrams and have been completing times tables challenges.

We have been completing lots of artwork to enter the Kelty Young Artists Competition, including Cow Art inspired by Peter Diem and technical tractor design drawing. Next week we visit Hilton of Beath Farm.

Mrs. Manzella's Student Gallery: 3RD GRADE: PETER DIEM COWS

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