What is STEM? Rationale Resource Signposting Partners Professional Learning Modules Opportunities and Events

What is STEM?

With a long-standing history of invention and innovation, Scotland remains deeply committed to equipping our young people with the STEM skills, knowledge, and capability to adapt and thrive in the 21st century. STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education forms a core part of Curriculum for Excellence to inspire and develop the capacity of future generations.

There is no single definition for STEM. STEM can be conceived as a set of inter-related disciplines and required skills. STEM education seeks not only to develop expertise and capability in each individual field, but also to develop the ability to work across disciplines and generate new knowledge, ideas and products through inter-disciplinary learning (adapted from Defining STEM, Education Scotland 2017).

For further information see the STEM Education and Training Strategy - refresh.


STEM education is a highly motivating and relevant way for children and young people to learn, within the Curriculum for Excellence. The intention of this site is to support Fife practitioners to flexibly access high quality professional learning and resources so that STEM can be carefully planned and embedded through the totality of the curriculum, promoting the opportunities and benefits of STEM learning and future careers.

If you engage with any modules, remember to log these on your Professional Learning record through the GTCS website or Oracle.

View the STEM For All in Fife Framework here.