South Parks Primary School & Nursery

School Improvement Plan



Directorate Improvement Plan Key Priorities of the National Improvement Framework: NIF DRIVERS OF IMPROVEMENT
·         Equality & Equity

·         Achievement

·         Health & Wellbeing

·         Positive Destinations

·         Attendance & Engagement









·         Placing the human rights and needs of every child and young person at the center of education.

·         Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing

·         Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young people

·         Improvement in skills and sustained, positive school-leaver destinations for all young people

·         Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy.

·         School and ELC leadership

·         Curriculum and assessment

·         School and ELC improvement

·         Teacher and practitioner


·         Parent/Carer involvement and engagement

·         Performance Information








Leadership and Management Learning Provision               Successes and Achievements
1.1 Self-evaluation for self-improvement

1.2 Leadership of learning

1.3 Leadership of change

1.4 Leadership and management of staff

1.5 Management of resources to promote equity


2.1 Safeguarding and

child protection

2.2 Curriculum

2.3 Learning, teaching

and assessment

2.4 Personalised support

2.5 Family learning

2.6 Transitions

2.7 Partnerships

3.1 Ensuring wellbeing,

equality and inclusion

3.2 Raising attainment

and achievement

3.3 Increasing creativity and employability



3.2 Securing children’s progress

3.3 Developing creativity and skills for life & learning




School / Nursery Priority School Priority Nursery Priority
Focused Priority 1:  

By June 2025, we aim to foster a shared understanding of de-escalation and self-regulation strategies to improve the health and wellbeing of pupils. We will revise our Positive Relationships Policy to reflect our school values and children’s rights that will enable us to create a supportive and nurturing school environment where all members of our school community feel valued, respected, and supported.


•                     Staff will develop and implement de-escalation techniques to effectively manage challenging behaviours.

•                     Staff will report feeling confident in their ability to manage challenging behaviours and promote positive relationships.



•                     Students will experience improved mental health and wellbeing through targeted support and interventions.

•                     Enhanced self-regulation skills will be fostered among students, leading to improved behaviour and emotional regulation.

•                     Increased numbers of pupils will report feeling safe and supported in their relationships with peers and adults in the school.


•                     Parents will report having a clearer understanding of our behaviour policy and how situations are managed in school.


•                     School will be more settled.

•                     Alternative space will be created for small groups

Focused Priority 2:  

•                    By the end of June 2025, SLT will implement a comprehensive quality assurance framework to ensure consistency and rigour in planning processes across all classes ensuring that all children receive their entitlement to a broad general education and high quality learning, teaching and assessment.

•                    All teaching staff will use benchmarks for all curriculum areas to measure children’s progress and achievement of a level across the broad general education using a range of assessment evidence to inform professional judgements.



•                     All teachers will use standardised planning templates that will aid transition and handover processes and ensure continuity of learning.

•                     All staff will plan, and use assessment evidence to support professional judgements to ensure children experience their entitlement to a broad general education.


•                     Observable improvements in lesson delivery

•                     More rigour around data & evidence


•                     All children will experience planned, progressive learning experiences across the broad general education.



Focused Priority 3:  

By October 2024, class teachers will use data to inform targeted interventions required in their classes to close attainment gaps in writing. Across 2nd level numeracy there will be improved attainment of a targeted groups of learners.  Pupil Equity additionality will support targeted interventions. Consistent professional judgement, tracking, moderating and use of HQ L,T&A used by all teaching staff. SEE PEF PLAN


•                     Shared understanding of expectations around writing lessons.

•                     Staff will have confidence using Fife’s writing documentation.

•                     All staff will be using effective assessment data and moderation approaches to inform improvements in learning and teaching.

•                     Staff will be able to use data and evidence to show effectiveness of interventions.


•                     Children will be confident in the skills they are developing in writing.

•                     All children will experience the breadth of the writing curriculum.


•                     School will exceed the literacy stretch target for 24-25 which is _____ of P1, P4 and P7 achieving appropriate literacy levels.

•                     School will exceed the numeracy stretch target for 24-25 which is _____ of P1, P4 and P7 achieving appropriate numeracy levels.


•                     All classes will have writing displayed with skills being developed

•                     Raise the profile of Writing through Star writer work to be showcased in school corridor.

•                     Universal supports will be accessible for all children.


Focused Priority 4:  

By June 2025, NURSERY EYO staff will use the Up Up and Away framework to support additional planning for nursery children


·         All staff will be confident and familiar with the Up Up and Away framework and will use this to independently identify and plan appropriate supports for children. As a result, there will be positive impact on children’s progress in their learning.

·         Enhanced professional development through implementation of this framework.

·         EYO staff will be able to identify children who need literacy support as early as possible in order to prevent difficulties arising in the future.


·         Improved engagement and learning through personalised targets.

·         Impact on progress / Increased Attainment



·         Literacy rich environment

Focused Priority 5:  

By June 25, Learners in nursery will have improved skills in communication, literacy, and language using music and playboxes.


•                     Staff will be confident enough to deliver music with fun activities.

•                     Staff will be confident to implement play boxes to support individuals.


·         Improved engagement and learning through music / play boxes.

·         children will enjoy as well as understand basic music concepts.

·         Will receive musical learning opportunities involving rhyme awareness, speech development, language development, creativity, rhythm, and syllabic patterns in language to improve literacy.

·         Learners are using an increased vocabulary and sentence structure in everyday communication.

·         Learners are more confident when communicating with others using signs and symbols.

Parents/ Carers:

•                     Families are more familiar with signs, symbols and strategies to support communication family learning opportunities

Data/ Attainment:

  • ELips Data shows improvement





Focused Priority 1:    3.1 Ensuring Wellbeing, Equality & Inclusion

By June 2025, we aim to foster a shared understanding of de-escalation and self-regulation strategies to improve the health and wellbeing of pupils. We will revise our Positive Relationships Policy to reflect our school values and children’s rights that will enable us to create a supportive and nurturing school environment where all members of our school community feel valued, respected, and supported.

National Improvement Framework Priority:

·         Placing the human rights and needs of every child and young person at the center of education

·         Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing

·         Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young people

·         Improvement in skills and sustained, positive school-leaver destinations for all young people

·         Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy.

HGIOS4 / HGIOELC Quality Indicators Directorate Improvement Plan


1.1 Self-evaluation for self-improvement

1.3 Leadership of change

2.1 Safeguarding and

child protection

2.4 Personalised support

3.1 Ensuring wellbeing,

equality and inclusion

Equality & Equity


Health & Wellbeing

Positive Destinations

Attendance & Engagement

School and ELC leadership       

Curriculum and assessment     

School and ELC improvement

Teacher and practitioner professionalism    

Parent/Carer involvement and engagement                                                       

Performance information

Expected Impact Strategic Actions Planned Responsibilities Measure of Success

(Triangulation of Evidence/QI Methodology)


·         Staff will develop and implement de-escalation techniques to effectively manage challenging behaviours.

·         Staff will report feeling confident in their ability to manage challenging behaviours and promote positive relationships.





·         Students will experience improved mental health and wellbeing through targeted support and interventions.

·         Enhanced self-regulation skills will be fostered among students, leading to improved behaviour and emotional regulation.

·         Increased numbers of pupils will report feeling safe and supported in their relationships with peers and adults in the school.


·         Parents will report having a clearer understanding of our behaviour policy and how situations are managed in school.


·         School will be more settled.

·         Alternative space will be created for small groups




Professional learning:

·         In-set in August ’24 and professional learning sessions for staff, using the Trauma Informed Practice sway to discuss and reflect on where we are as a school/ nursery and identify next steps.

·         Review key documents that underpin a nurturing approach and de-escalation approaches – Realising the Ambition, De-escalation PL pack, Fife Positive Relationships.












·         Moderation activity outcomes

·         Summary of Supports will reflect strategies

·         Planning meetings Nursery/ school

·         Nursery Learning conversations.

·         Pace&Progress discussions

·         HS1 forms – decrease from previous years

·         UNCR Recognition Award Level 2

People’s Views:


•                     RRS feedback on policy

•                     Pupil’s voice about improvements

•                     Pupil survey baseline and follow up

•                     Glasgow wellbeing profile baseline and follow up.



•                     questionnaire/feedback before and after training

•                     Learning Partnership feedback

•                     PSA feedback from playground


•                     Parentwise survey from 2023/24 – resample 2025

•                     Parent feedback on policies

•                     Feedback from workshops


•                     External visitors feedback


Direct Observations:

  • Class charters in classes
  • Displays to include references to UNCRC


  • Positive relationships will be built on a basis of mutual respect for rights.



August 2024








Training for Staff:

·         DHT to attend Fife’s Core Approaches Trauma Informed/ De-escalation professional learning programme – twilight sessions.

·         Familiarise staff with the pro-active management plans and support staff to complete these for identified children.

·         UNCRC – Class charter input.

·         Twilight Kitbag training for staff.











Colette Page

Nina Shiels






As required




February 2024



·         Gather views of parents and children on how we can improve on supporting children’s regulation of emotions.

·         Parent workshop – Managing children’s emotions/wellbeing.

·         Parent workshop on Kitbag

·         Consult with parents and pupils on Relationship Policy.

·         Share with parents tools to support regulation in school.

·         Consult with RRS group on the Relationship Policy to align with the rights.



DHT/ All staff/ Nina / SFL teacher



Nina Shiels


Nina Shiels







T2/ T4












Documentation/ Policy:

·         Revise and up-date Relationships and Behaviour policy for South Parks.

·         UNCRC – silver award

·         Glasgow Wellbeing Profile – class teachers to complete in term 2 with their class and identify areas to develop. Teachers to create action plan for the year.





Collete Page -RRS

Nina Shiels / SFL Teacher


June 2025


February 2025


T2/ T4

Targeted Groups/Resources:

·         Lego Therapy groups

·         Kitbag – start in nursery, continue in school

·         Peer Mediators – evaluate progress and amend to suit our school.

·         Fix it Folders – ensure each class has a folder and all staff are aware how to use this. Adapt Fix it Folder for playground for peer mediators to use.



SFL Teacher / Support Staff


Annie Gibson



Ongoing Evaluation

This should be updated as part of on-going cycle of self-evaluation




Focused Priority 2:     Achievement

•                    By the end of June 2025, SLT will implement a comprehensive quality assurance framework to ensure consistency and rigour in planning processes across all classes ensuring that all children receive their entitlement to a broad general education and high quality learning, teaching and assessment.

•                    All teaching staff will use benchmarks for all curriculum areas to measure children’s progress and achievement of a level across the broad general education using a range of assessment evidence to inform professional judgements.


National Improvement Framework Priority:

·         Placing the human rights and needs of every child and young person at the center of education

·         Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing

·         Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young people

·         Improvement in skills and sustained, positive school-leaver destinations for all young people

·         Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy.

HGIOS4 / HGIOELC Quality Indicators Directorate Improvement Plan


1.2 – Leadership of Learning

1.3 – Leadership of Change

2.2 – Curriculum

2.3 – Learning, Teaching and Assessment

3.1 – Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion

3.2 – Raising attainment and achievement

Equality & Equity


Health & Wellbeing

Positive Destinations

Attendance & Engagement

School and ELC leadership       

Curriculum and assessment     

School and ELC improvement

Teacher and practitioner professionalism    

Parent/Carer involvement and engagement                                

Performance information

Expected Impact Strategic Actions Planned Responsibilities Measure of Success

(Triangulation of Evidence/QI Methodology)


•                     All teachers will use standardised planning templates that will aid transition and handover processes and ensure continuity of learning.

•                     All staff will plan, and use assessment evidence to support professional judgements to ensure children experience their entitlement to a broad general education.



•                     Observable improvements in lesson delivery

•                     More rigour around data & evidence



•                     All children will experience planned, progressive learning experiences across the broad general education.




•                     Establish a Quality Assurance Framework. Yearly overview

•                     Develop and disseminate clear guidelines outlining the expectations for planning, assessment, and documentation




•                     Analysis of attainment data in Literacy, Numeracy along with all/identified areas of the curriculum.

•                     Analysis of CFE and BASE/NSA data

•                     Analysis of data for identified cohorts.

People’s Views:


•                     Children’s views gathered through class groups and pupil focus groups on the learning experiences across the curriculum.


•                     Teacher’s views on the new system

•                     Professional dialogue with SLT as part of Pace and Progress meetings


•                     Parent views on the delivery of the curriculum and feedback on the new reports


•                     Learning partnership feedback



•                     Forward planning documentation monitoring

•                     Jotter sampling – literacy/numeracy and other curriculum areas

•                     Classroom observations linked to identified areas of the curriculum (QA calendar)




August 2024


Inset August 2024


Forward Planning

·    Move to fully online planning in CORPORATE TEAMS  to support QA, moderation across school and cluster.

·    All staff will use the progression pathways for all curriculum areas to ensure planned learning experiences are progressive for all children.

·    Attainment and Forward Planning dialogues will support assessment within identified/all curriculum areas linked to assessment evidence which informs professional judgements.

·    Staff will develop confidence in planning for assessment.


Professional learning:

•                     Shared understanding of expectations with planning- Fife documentation: Planning for Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Fife (

•                     Benchmarks Education Scotland Videos:

•                     Provide ongoing professional development opportunities focused on effective planning, assessment, and data use.

•                     Encourage collaboration and sharing of best practices among staff through workshops, peer observations, and learning communities.





August 2024




August 2024

Inset Day 2

Termly with SLT





April 2024



August 2024













Tracking & Monitoring

·    All staff in liaison with SLT will develop their understanding of the Progress Framework.  This will be used to track progress in learning across the curriculum and record targeted interventions for individual or cohorts of children.



SLT/ All Staff

T1, T2, T3

·    All staff will be familiar with the reporting framework built into Progress and this will support reporting to parents/carers at key points throughout the session.

·    All staff will use the reporting aspect of the framework to complete end of session written reports to ensure all parents/carers have access to an annual written report which is informed by professional judgements.



HT / All staff

May 2025

June 2025

Ongoing Evaluation

This should be updated as part of on-going cycle of self-evaluation




Focused Priority 3:    Raise Attainment

By October 2024, class teachers will use data to inform targeted interventions required in their classes to close attainment gaps in writing. Across 2nd level numeracy there will be improved attainment of a targeted groups of learners.  Pupil Equity additionality will support targeted interventions. Consistent professional judgement, tracking, moderating and use of HQ L,T&A used by all teaching staff. SEE PEF PLAN

National Improvement Framework Priority:

·         Placing the human rights and needs of every child and young person at the center of education

·         Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing

·         Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young people

·         Improvement in skills and sustained, positive school-leaver destinations for all young people

·         Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy.

HGIOS4 / HGIOELC Quality Indicators Directorate Improvement Plan


1.2 – Leadership of Learning

1.3 – Leadership of change

2.2 – Curriculum

2.3 – Learning, Teaching and Assessment

2.4 – Personalised support

3.2 – Raising attainment and achievement

Equality & Equity


Health & Wellbeing

Positive Destinations

Attendance & Engagement

School and ELC leadership       

Curriculum and assessment     

School and ELC improvement

Teacher and practitioner professionalism                                                       

Parent/Carer involvement and engagement                                

Performance information

Expected Impact Strategic Actions Planned Responsibilities Measure of Success

(Triangulation of Evidence/QI Methodology)


•                     Shared understanding of expectations around writing lessons.

•                     Staff will have confidence using Fife’s writing documentation.

•                     All staff will be using effective assessment data and moderation approaches to inform improvements in learning and teaching.

•                     Staff will be able to use data and evidence to show effectiveness of interventions.


•                     Children will be confident in the skills they are developing in writing.

•                     All children will experience the breadth of the writing curriculum.


•                     School will exceed the literacy stretch target for 24-25 which is _____ of P1, P4 and P7 achieving appropriate literacy levels.

•                     School will exceed the numeracy stretch target for 24-25 which is _____ of P1, P4 and P7 achieving appropriate numeracy levels.


•                     All classes will have writing displayed with skills being developed

•                     Raise the profile of Writing through Star writer work to be showcased in school corridor.

•                     Universal supports will be accessible for all children.


Professional learning activity:

•                     All staff will use Fife’s Writing materials

•                     Refresher training on fife’s materials Professional Learning from Fife – YouTube

•                     Area PT to demonstrate data handling and QI methodology

•                     L&T lesson Model for lessons agreed to support learners in understanding skills learned.



HT/ All staff





Laura Murdoch




•                     Jotter monitoring

•                     Pace and Progress discussions

•                     MFI data for targeted groups

•                     Teachers identified gaps

People’s Views:


•                     Pupil focus groups

•                     Feedback on views


•                     Feedback on how documentation is being used

•                     Feedback on lessons


Direct Observations:

  • Learning visits SLT / Peers
  • Displays of writing

Term 1 Curriculum





August 2024 Inset 1




Term 1 / Term 4



•                     Pupils will be asked about writing and share their jotters with SLT.

•                     Sample pupil views on writing/ numeracy

•                     Celebrate the achievements of individuals weekly – Star Writer




Class teachers


Term 2




Weekly celebrations

Additionality Staff:

•                     Additionality staff (PEF Funded) to support with raising attainment groups.

•                     MFI approach to targeted numeracy across P5-7


Additionality Teachers

Term 1





Raising attainment:

•                     Writing assessment tools to support formative and self-assessment in writing.

•                     All staff to identify attainment gaps and plan for improvement for pupils in their class.

•                     Team planning and moderation of writing


All teachers



SLT/ Teachers

Term 1 /2/3/4
Quality Assurance:

•                     Team planning and moderation of writing.

•                     Teachers engage in peer learning visits across the school.


All teachers

Ongoing Evaluation

This should be updated as part of on-going cycle of self-evaluation


Focused Priority 4:  2.4 Personalised support

 By June 2025, NURSERY EYO staff will use the Up Up and Away framework to support additional planning for nursery children

National Improvement Framework Priority:

·         Placing the human rights and needs of every child and young person at the center of education

·         Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing

·         Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young people

·         Improvement in skills and sustained, positive school-leaver destinations for all young people

·         Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy.

HGIOS4 / HGIOELC Quality Indicators Directorate Improvement Plan


1.2 Leadership of Learning

1.3 Leadership of Change

2.4 Personalised support

2.5 Family Learning

3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality, and inclusion

Equality & Equity


Health & Wellbeing

Positive Destinations

Attendance & Engagement

School and ELC leadership

Curriculum and assessment

School and ELC improvement

Teacher and practitioner professionalism

Parent/Carer involvement and engagement

Performance information

Expected Impact Strategic Actions Planned Responsibilities Measure of Success

(Triangulation of Evidence/QI Methodology)


·         All staff will be confident and familiar with the Up Up and Away framework and will use this to independently identify and plan appropriate supports for children. As a result, there will be positive impact on children’s progress in their learning.

·         Enhanced professional development through implementation of this framework.

·         EYO staff will be able to identify children who need literacy support as early as possible in order to prevent difficulties arising in the future.


·         Improved engagement and learning through personalised targets.

·         Impact on progress / Increased Attainment


·         Literacy rich environment

Professional learning:

·         CIRCLE ‘Train the Trainer’ Up Up and Away a pre-recorded training presentation for professionals from Education and Health who will deliver Early Years Professional Learning in a local area:

Training for Staff:

·         Train the Trainers leads to take staff through the Up, Up & Away Resource – Take one section at a time.

·         All Staff to use the framework to collaboratively audit the environment within all playrooms – Feedback to staff and create an action plan.

·         All EYO staff to identify a key child within their group who are at risk of underachieving, not meeting milestones, low Elips and not engaging in play.

Raising Attainment:

·         All staff to use framework to assess and identify strategies to support them.

Professional dialogue:

·         Staff to engage in professional dialogue around impact of strategies


·         Summary of Supports for pupils to be updated with findings.



Nursery Teacher / EYO Lead

All EYO staff



  • Learning conversations
  •  ELIPS


People Views:

  • Feedback from staff
  • Settling in / progress meetings
  • Pupil voice
  • Parent Feedback

Direct Observations:

  • Nursery observations
  • Nursery Planning
  • Quality Interactions











Ongoing Evaluation

This should be updated as part of on-going cycle of self-evaluation




Focused Priority 5: 

 Learners in nursery will have improved skills in communication, literacy, and language using music and playboxes.

National Improvement Framework Priority:

·         Placing the human rights and needs of every child and young person at the center of education

·         Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing

·         Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young people

·         Improvement in skills and sustained, positive school-leaver destinations for all young people

·         Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy.

HGIOS4 / HGIOELC Quality Indicators Directorate Improvement Plan


1.3 Leadership of Change

2.3 – Learning, Teaching and Assessment

2.4 Personalised support

3.2 Securing children’s progress

3.3 Developing creativity and skills for life & learning


Equality & Equity


Health & Wellbeing

Positive Destinations

Attendance & Engagement

School and ELC leadership

Curriculum and assessment

School and ELC improvement

Teacher and practitioner professionalism

Parent/Carer involvement and engagement

Performance information

Expected Impact Strategic Actions Planned Responsibilities Measure of Success

(Triangulation of Evidence/QI Methodology)


•                     Staff will be confident enough to deliver music with fun activities.

•                     Staff will be confident to implement play boxes to support individuals.


·         Improved engagement and learning through music / play boxes.

·         children will enjoy as well as understand basic music concepts.

·         Will receive musical learning opportunities involving rhyme awareness, speech development, language development, creativity, rhythm, and syllabic patterns in language to improve literacy.

·         Learners are using an increased vocabulary and sentence structure in everyday communication.

·         Learners are more confident when communicating with others using signs and symbols.

Parents/ Carers:

•                     Families are more familiar with signs, symbols and strategies to support communication family learning opportunities

Data/ Attainment:

  • ELips Data shows improvement


Professional learning:

•                     One practitioner will attend two twilight sessions and then cascade their learning with others in their team (along with the support of their teacher and/or EYLO).

•                     Education Scotland Playbox online learning:


Professional dialogue:

•                     Staff to engage in professional dialogue around impact of Kodaly.

•                     Staff to engage in professional dialogue around play boxes.


•                     From staff

•                     From pupils



•                     Staff to resource/ create playboxes


•                     Staff to create overview/ booklet of learning


Lisa Lavender








All EYO staff








All Staff










All Staff




All staff



  • Learning conversations
  •  ELIPS
  • PLJ’s


People Views:

  • Feedback from staff
  • Pupil voice
  • Parent Feedback

Direct Observations:

  • Nursery observations
  • Nursery Planning




September 2024

November 2024

January 2025


















Ongoing Evaluation

This should be updated as part of on-going cycle of self-evaluation

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