South Parks Primary School & Nursery

Pupil Equity Plan



Pupil Equity Fund allocation for session 2024/25 £
School Context
 Vision, Values and Aims

Vision: To aim high and be the best we can be

Values:  Success = Positivity, Achievement, Respect and Kindness


•          For each child to enjoy an education in a nurturing learning community.

•          In a learning community which encourages them to be the most successful they can be.

•          Equipping our pupils with transferable skills for future opportunities.

Setting/School Roll (including ELC/ASC)
  • South Parks Primary and Nursery School is a non-denominational school one of several primary schools in the Glenrothes area. It opened in 1960 and caters for the mainstream education of Primary and Nursery children.
  • The combined school and nursery roll is 287. The school currently caters for 204 pupils organised across 8 classes. The Nursery accommodates 83 children, over three playrooms: The Under 3 provision can accommodate 15 children at any session and 46 pupils in the 3-5-year-old room term time room and up to 28 pupils am and pm in the full year-round 3–5-year-old room.

·         We work closely with social work, Family Support Service, and other partner agencies to meet the needs of identified children and families.

·         2% of pupils are care experienced

·         5% of pupils have English as a second language

·         2% of pupils are Young Carers

·         24% of pupils in school have a recognised additional support need

  • The school is fortunate to be set within a large playground and playing field and a more recently a lovely quiet garden allowing children both great opportunities for play and outdoor learning experiences. We are lucky to have Riverside Park within walking distance to our school and nursery.
  • The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) consist of Head Teacher (HT) in post since May 2019 and a Depute Head Teacher (DHT) who has been in post since Sept 2016.
  • School staff and Active Schools have organised the extra-curricular clubs after school. These include football, multi-sport, netball and mini kickers. Children also have the opportunity to participate in a range of school sports festivals.
  • Our Family Forum (previously, Parent Council) has played an active role in the life of the school and organise multiple fundraising events.
  • Parents have been involved in the life of the school through shared learning opportunities, assemblies, and a parent workshop.
  • South Parks is part of the Glenrothes High Cluster. There is culture of close working across our cluster.
FME Current FME: 57 / 204 – 28%

Number of FME in Year Groups
Primary 1 Primary 2 Primary 3 Primary 4 Primary 5 Primary 6 Primary 7
9 7 11 16 
SIMD Profile for establishment
SIMD (20) at Census Sept 2020 Decile 1 Decile 2 Decile 3 Decile 4 Decile 5 Decile 6 Decile 7 Decile 8 Decile 9 Decile 10
NO. of pupils 13 11 10 56 56 6 45 1 4 2
Percentage % 6% 5% 5% 27% 27% 3% 22% 0.5% 2% 1%
Attendance (%) Overall 89.59% Authorised     5.98% Unauthorised 4.41%
Exclusion (%) 0%
Attainment Scotland Fund Allocation (PEF and SAC) £55,080




Cost of the School Day (In what key ways do you plan to mitigate against Costs within the School Day)
We recognise the need to reduce the Cost of the School Day for all our young people and particularly for our young people who are already experiencing poverty. We examine the school day through the following headings;

Uniform: We encourage all our children to wear school uniform. We have recently found a more competitive supplier. We fee uniform allows our pupils to be a recognisable part of their community. On our newsletter we encourage and signpost parents to the free school meal and uniform grant.

Within our establishment we have a ‘New to You’ shop where children and families are welcome to take items of school clothing that other families have outgrown.

Travel and trips: At South Parks Primary School and Nursery, we subsidise travel costs associated with identified school excursions for all families, to allow all young people to participate. We consider all trips to ensure that costs are kept down, making them as accessible as possible for young people and their families. We plan all trips in advance to allow families the opportunity to save and spread the cost. We also closely monitor the number of trips, costs and year groups. Our family forum also contributes towards the cost of school trips to keep the costs to a minimum.

Resources: All classrooms in South Parks have essential supplies of paper, stationary, calculators etc. for all young people to access in lessons.

Eating: Our canteen offers a range of healthy and low-cost meals and snacks. We promote Free School Meals and share information for all parents/carers about it at various times throughout the year. Cashless catering means there is less stigma attached. We are in the process of offering all pupil a “Soft Start breakfast” within all classes.

Events: Fundraising events in our school, such as non-uniform days, require a donation only if possible. We limit the number of these events and spread them throughout the year.

Period Products: As part of the Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Bill, free period products are available in senior toilets and classrooms. It is essential that students can access sanitary products without having to ask for them so that they maintain their dignity with no embarrassment.

After-School Clubs: Active school and individual teachers have offered a lunchtime and after school club with no charge to pupils for participation.

Stakeholder engagement 

(in what ways have you engaged with your stakeholders – learners/parents/community etc.)

Participatory Budgeting 

(Are you using any of your PEF allocation to support participatory budgeting. If yes, what is the focus?)

·         Forms Questionnaire out to parents and staff

·         Discussed with Family Forum (Parent Council)



Attainment Fund Rationale               Raise attainment Amount of Fund £


Extra teaching staff, beyond ‘core’ is required to reduce staff to pupil ratio to target pupil’s attainment & achievement.


Expected Impact Interventions Planned


Measure of Success

(Triangulation of Evidence/QI Methodology)

Impact on learners

Ongoing evaluation  Dec/June

Intervention 1


By June 2025 having a probationer will allow an experienced staff member some time out of class to tackle specific attainment gaps of individuals to increasing CfE figures.


·         One experienced teacher will be released from class to support identifying gaps in numeracy and using MFI tools to analyse and plan to close attainment gaps. This will support raising attainment in Numeracy at second level. This will target P5, P6 and P7 classes.

·         Teacher will support colleagues to track and record data of numeracy and plan next steps.

·         Previous cluster PT to support with the moderation cycle with a focus on numeracy for all teaching staff.

·         Ensure universal numeracy supports are in all classrooms – e.g. think boards, dienes, Numicon, cubes, number lines and squares, place value charts.

·         On-going assessments

·         Feedback from all stakeholders

·         Raised attainment figures

·         Evaluations

What has been the Impact?
·         Team teaching, additional teacher to support during writing. Pupils within Primary 7, will increase their writing proficiency and achieve 2nd Level in Writing by June 2024. The number of  pupils achieving 2nd level will increase from 57% – (16 pupils on track) to 70% (20 pupils on track to achieve. )

·         Utilise Fife’s writing documentation to support the assessment

·         Looking Outwards/Working Collaboratively with Others: Collaborate with colleagues, or other schools to bring in external perspectives and resources to improve writing outcomes for P7.


Data Analysis: Reviewing writing assessment results, both formative and summative, to identify trends, strengths, and areas needing improvement.


Gathering feedback from students, and parents regarding writing and suggestions for improvement.


Improvement will be evidenced through assessment data and writing samples.


  Allow for a teacher to have additional time out of class to work with the RRS group to:

·         Develop play charter – display alongside Role Model certificates on board outside staffroom

·         Involve parents and wider community, encourage parent to join the RRS group

·         Raise profile of Right Respecting Role Model certificates

·         Plan rights into curricular areas – add to yearly overview to get staff thinking how they might include rights more specifically

·         Involve pupils when updating any policies – pupil voice – Relationships, Learning and Behaviour Policy.

·         Prepare for Silver assessment for next session




Attainment Fund Rationale


  • Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing

Amount of Fund

2 x PSA –

1 x Outdoor learning costs – £1200



A group of children have been identified where there is a need to improve social and emotional wellbeing.  Extra PSA staff, beyond ‘core’ is required.


Expected Impact Interventions Planned


Measure of Success

(Triangulation of Evidence)

Impact on learners

Ongoing evaluation

Intervention 2

By June 2025, all identified pupils for social and emotional intervention will have improved wellbeing and their barriers to learning will have been reduced.


Improvement in attendance/ Increase time spent in school for all pupils identified.




Using Circles, all class teachers will complete the Inclusive Classroom evaluation in order to ensure the learning environment is set up to best meet the needs of their pupils (Creating an Inclusive and nurturing environment)


H&W champ to upskill support staff on Kitbag


Daily wellbeing sessions for identified pupils ultising kitbag, Lego therapy, Drawing & Talking techniques as well as relaxation to support our most vulnerable learners.


Continue Seasons for Growth for children. Identified staff will work collaboratively to support children and their families effected by grief, loss or change. The Seasons for Growth context will encourage children to express emotions, building coping strategies and develop emotional literacy.



Baseline questionnaire for Social and emotional PT intervention group



Feedback from support staff

Record keeping and feedback from groups



Pre and post questionnaires – pupils, staff




Offer an alternative outdoor learning experience for identified children over a 6 week block. It is hoped they will feel happier , will be more engaged and have a positive impact on their physical health. Leuven scale – engagement

Pupil feedback



Attainment Fund Rationale                 

·         Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing and reduced distressed behaviours.

Amount of Fund




We have identified a group of pupils, in P1, P2, P3, P5 &P7 who are displaying increased distressed and deregulated behaviours.  This is having a negative impact on their attainment.  There is a need to improve social and emotional wellbeing. It is hoped that by having access to a nurture space across the whole school will improve engagement in learning and disruption across the school.  Extra PSA staff, beyond ‘core’ is required to operate this.


Expected Impact Interventions Planned


Measure of Success

(Triangulation of Evidence/QI Methodology)

Impact on learners

Ongoing evaluation  Dec/June

Intervention 3

Nurture space and resources will enable key pupils who are struggling to access learning within a mainstream classroom to have regular supervised breaks from the classroom to ensure they are ready to learn and their behaviour is regulated.




·         PSA, alongside class teachers, and SFL teacher will make assessments of needs, triggers, stress factors and regulation strategies to support individuals.

·         School support team & SFL teacher will organise a timetable for the room to be used throughout the day.

·         The room will be equipped with new soft seating,  soft furnishings, lighting, library and resources. Creating a nurturing/homely environment.

·         Key pupils will be supported by PSA staff. They will be encouraged to make better choices about behaviour and learning.

·         Emotional check in’s will be part of the group sessions offered.

·         Visit other schools nurture spaces e.g. Lynburn Primary School/Lochgelly West/ Caskieberran

·         Resource space with play experiences such as sand, Water, small world and construction.

·         Provide sensory equipment/resources.




·         Updated Summary of supports

·         Boxall assessments?

·         Leuvens Scale?

·         Observations and discussions with staff

·         % of pupils accessing the space.

·         Evaluations and tracking of identified pupils

·         Review meetings

·         Communication with parents


What has been the impact?


Attainment Fund Rationale

Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing and offer a positive start to the day.

Amount of Fund £




We have identified a group of pupils, across the school from P1 to P7, who don’t always have a morning snack, and have reported on several occasions that they are hungry. Research shows breakfast is incredibly important for children, from positively impacting their ability to learn, concentrate and focus, to improving their mental and physical health. We want to target the children most in need without making those children stand out or feel embarrassed. We believe that breakfast provision should always be stigma free and open to all children.  Extra teaching staff, beyond ‘core’ is required to support this.



Expected Impact Interventions Planned


Measure of Success

(Triangulation of Evidence/QI Methodology)

Impact on learners

Ongoing evaluation  Dec/June

Intervention 4


By June 2025, all children across 8 classes, will be given a healthy start to the day, making them ready to learn.


By offering this to all children in classes, there will be no stigma for those that do and don’t have breakfast.


·         PSA will prepare toast for every class that will be free breakfast between 9-9.20am daily as part of H&W start

·         Pupils in every class will be provided with a healthy breakfast

·         Additional PSA hours are required to prepare the breakfast

·         Another PSA to be trained in food hygiene as a back up for staff absences

·         Equipment required to make toast for all classes i.e toasters, fridge/ freezer, trays, cleaning supplies

·         Preparation space identified

·         Food – Bread and butter as required




·         Attendance/lateness figures

·         Pupil feedback

·         Staff feedback

·         Parent feedback



What has been the impact?




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