South Parks Primary School & Nursery

Info for Parents/Carers

Please find some helpful links below to websites from term dates to cost of living help and information. 


School Holidays and Term Time: Fife Council School Term/Holidays

Nursery Enrolment ApplicationNursery Enrolment

Primary 1 Enrolment: Primary 1 Enrolment

High School Enrolment: Secondary School Enrolment

Link to our South Parks Facebook Page:  Facebook

Link to our South Parks Booklet: South Parks Booklet

Severe Weather Information: Severe Weather Info


Free School Meals Application (open from 1st May for the school year starting in August): Free School Meals & Clothing Grant Application

Benefits & Money AdviceBenefits & Money Advice

Free Lunch Clubs for Families during School Holidays: Café Inc | Fife Council

Glenrothes Foodbank: Glenrothes Foodbank | Helping Local People in Crisis

Too Good To Go – Food Parcels: Join Our Food Waste Movement – Too Good To Go

Cost of Living Crisis: Cost of Living Support (


Parents/carers should report all absences to the nursery/school. This can be done by:

  • emailing
  • texting 07860003805 (this is for absence only)
  • Calling 01592 583456

Reporting absences ensure we have the correct code recorded for the absence reason.

We regularly monitor attendance and lateness for all children and will make contact with you if attendance falls below 90% and if arriving late to school is frequent.

We will work with you to support attendance and/or lateness to improve this.

When a pupil is absent for 5 days or more with no explanation and the school/ nursery is unable to make contact with parent/carers the school will follow Fife Councils CME (Child Missing in Education) procedures.

Report a Glow concern
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