South Parks Primary School & Nursery

Curriculum/Homework Policies




This policy was created in consultation with pupils, parents/carers, and staff. Data was gathered September 2022, with parents/carers, pupils and staff invited to complete a questionnaire to gain their views around homework and reflect on how we can improve this for South Parks children.

As you can see despite this being a very close result, the majority of responses have said they felt homework is necessary in primary school.




As a school we have now prepared this policy guide that considers and takes on board the majority views from all stakeholders.



This policy endorses the guidelines set out by the Scottish Executive on communication and partnership with parents with parents. The purpose of this homework policy is to promote a consistent approach across the school, strengthen home/school links and promote parental involvement through the sharing of learning tasks. The overall aim is to help encourage pupils to develop personal responsibility for lifelong learning.


Aims of homework

Using a variety of approaches and offering a range of relevant experiences we aim to:

  • Provide interesting, challenging and engaging short tasks.
  • Differentiate tasks through outcome as appropriate to groups and individuals.
  • Develop children’s skills and learning across the curriculum.
  • Develop a sense of responsibility in learning.


Methodology Across the Stages

Time allocated to homework will differs depending on the stage of the child. The following is a guideline based on pupil feedback. The data indicated that pupils found homework too long and wanted shorter activities.


Scottish Education outline that short, focussed interventions that relate directly to what is being taught are likely to be more effective in improving attainment. Quality is more important than the quantity of work (Education Endowment Foundation, 2017).


  • Early Level (P1) homework should take between 10 and 20 minutes.
  • First Level (P2-P4) homework should take between 15 and 30 minutes.
  • Second Level (P5-P7) homework should take between 20 and 40 minutes.

(per week)





When will Homework Tasks be set?


There will be no homework issued on the first or last week of every term.


The data gathered from parents, teachers and pupils indicated that the preferred model for homework distribution is issued on a Friday and returned on a Tuesday. This will ensure continuity across the school.

  Parent Pupil Teacher Total
Out Friday, back Tuesday 18 15 8 41
Out Friday, back Wednesday 0 0 1 1
Out Monday, Back Friday 23 4 0 27
Other – Out Monday, Back Thursday 3 0 1 4
Homework isn’t necessary 15 6 0 21








What homework will the children get?


Homework tasks will include a task from one curricular area and a reading book. This was the majority vote from Parents and pupils who said they enjoyed engaging more with topic and a reading book.










Each week, there will be a reading book and one other task to complete.

Reading books will be sent home in P1 – P7 each week (not in the first or last weeks of term).


The additional homework task will be focused on your child’s current learning in class from another curricular area. Tasks may be set online or on paper and can be completed online or in the home learning jotter.


Marking of homework:

Staff feedback indicated that a stamp or sticker / online comment was the preferred method of marking homework. Errors will be identified as this informs the child and parent how they got on with that homework task and where further work may be required.



Roles and Responsibilities

To allow time for feedback, homework should be returned on the Tuesday, along with their reading book. If the reading book has not been returned, a new book will not be sent out for the following week.


Pupils should:

  • Complete homework to the best of their ability.
  • Ensure all homework tasks are handed in on time.


Parents should:

  • Encourage a positive attitude to homework.
  • Encourage their child to hand homework in on time.
  • Encourage and support their child with their learning where necessary.


Teaching Staff should:

  • Set appropriate tasks.
  • Look at all homework returned.
  • Track homework tasks to ensure a balance across the curriculum.
  • Monitor homework that is not returned on a consistent basis, this will be followed up by a standard letter informing parents.
  • Report to a member of SMT when homework is not consistently handed in/ concerns or worries about a child.


Senior Leadership Teams (SLT):

  • Support staff, pupils and parents in implementing this policy.
  • Monitor and evaluate this policy as required.



Homework will be tracked week to week by the class teacher. Homework tasks will consolidate classroom learning particularly in literacy and numeracy.


It was reported by some parents that homework was a source of stress within the home. We would encourage parents to have a positive attitude to homework and try to make this an enjoyable experience, encouraging this to be completed in small chunks at a time. We want any learning at home to be a positive experience.


We would ask that parents inform us of any challenges faced and hope we can work together to resolve these. If your child has specific barriers to completing homework tasks such as resources or technology please get in touch with the school office on









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