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Family Learning

We loved having our parents in our class to explore our Book Week Scotland and Read, Write Count bags.

I liked writing on the whiteboard with my Mum – Valentina

I liked doing numbers on the whiteboard – Emily

I liked the I am Bat story – Esme

I liked the snakes and ladders game – I played it with Mum – Saul

I liked the clock that you can write on – Toby

I felt happy that Mum was in the class – Annabel

I played the rocket game with Dad – it was good – Ben


Teddy Bear Hospital

We had a visit from the students at St Andrews University.  We learned about emergency medicine, DNA and how to look after our heart! We brought our teddies and soft toys along to join in the fun.

We liked trying the stethoscopes, putting bandages on our teddies and learning about injections.

DNA – “red always has to be with green”  – Saul

“We were checking our heart” – James

“I went to the Teddy Bear Hospital – it was good” – William

“I thought it was fun because we could bring our Teddies” – Iona

“We were learning about our heart beats when we were running” – Joshua


Busy learners!

We would like to share our class blog with everyone and tell you what we are learning at school.

Emily and Esme were making pictures for each other.

William was making a sun for the learning wall.

Jack was drawing and colouring in Annie Apple.  “She is holding onto a branch”

Luke was drawing “Annie Apple”.

Valentina and Martha were making rainbows for their Mums.


Annabel and Freya were making a house. “We used some 3d shapes like a sphere.”

Archie and Joshua were making a sledge for Santa Claus.


Saul was playing a game learning about odd and even numbers.

Jacob was practising number bonds on top marks.


We are all learning about money and the values of coins and notes.  P2’s were choosing items from the shop to add up and put out the correct coins.

We are learning about “magic e” in P2. We all took turns to use the hat and wand to read the words.



We are so excited to be learning some more letters and sounds that live in Letterland. We have learned all the Letterland characters, heard about the vowel men and silent magic e.  We enjoy drawing pictures of the characters in the stories and are keen to display these on the letterland board.

Junior drew a lovely picture with Annie apple.