Bellbaxter is huge. Can’t wait to go up to it next year. I’m going to love  it there. The computer suit is so high tech, the gym has great equipment, the cooking looks fun. And the books oh the greatness.

I’m back !!!!!!!!

At Kindrogan on the first day we went to school for an hour. It was a horrible wait but once we left it was great. When we first got there we put our bags in the common room and went outside to have our lunch on the lawn.  We then  done some team building exercises and after the team building exercises we got our bags and suit cases and took them up to our room. We had about 45 mins In our rooms and after that we went down for tea. For tea it was some lasagne with sweet corn and for desert it was apple and cinnamon crumble. Then we went up to our rooms to get changed for the nights activity and it was orienteering. The midges were everywhere. After the night activity we had 1 hour until we had to stay in our rooms, so we went into our rooms at 9 o’clock and we had a hour in our rooms before it was lights out and we went to sleep.

That was our first day.

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