Kindrogan oh Kindrogan

ill tell you about Kindrogan

Monday- We got on the bus at about 10:30am  and we were on there for about 2 hours and it was boring. When we got there we met one of our tutors, Ben. Then we had our lunch. After lunch we had our first activity which was team building. After we had team building we got shown around the house and met our other tutor, Natlie. We got shown to our rooms and i was in a room with Caitlin, Nicole, Samantha, Ellie and Abbie. Then we unpacked at went down for dinner at 5:45pm and we had italian beef lasagne then we did our night activity

TUESDAY- Kind of the sa,e thing happened at kidrogan and at home except my alarm clock was Mrs Welsh and Mr Hamilton. we went down to make our lunch had breakfast then met at the classroom at 9:15am and did our activity then had lunch then started our afternoon activity but the best part of the day was at 3:00pm when it was…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

then we finished our afternoon activity and had dinner and then hung out


then every other day it was kind of the same


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