
Secondary School Enrolment

Enrolling in secondary school
Enrolment for 2022/23 is currently open.

From 30th November 2021, the Education Service are trialling an online enrolment form for all pupils transferring to secondary school in August 2022.

All applications should be completed online before 15th March 2022.

When accessing the Enrol a child into secondary school form, you will be asked to log in or register for a “myaccount”. You will need this account throughout your child’s education. Once you’ve set this account up, you will then be able to enrol your child(ren) or make a placing request using the online form. To help you create a mygov.Scot account, we’ve made a short ‘how to’ video.

Can I apply for a school outwith my catchment area?
How do I make a placing request?
How will I be notified about my child’s place?
What if there are no places available at the local school?