Gym days Monday & Friday
Notes for your reference:
- Our PE days this term are Monday & Friday. Children should still wear their school jumper or cardigan on top of a plain t-shirt and black or dark bottoms (tracksuit bottoms or leggings).
- Some children are still coming into school with no indoors shoes! This means that wet and mud are brought into the carpet of the classroom where the children will then sit on it. Any shoes that can be kept dry and clean are great (please no laces).
- On a Friday afternoon we go outdoors to do some learning. As the weather changes this means we are more likely to get wet and muddy. Please ensure your child has appropriate outdoor clothes with them that day (jacket with hood, appropriate foot wear, hats and gloves etc). Unless the weather is torrential we will be going outdoors so we want the children to be warm.
- Spare clothes are still proving to be an issue as many children don’t bring these in their bags. This is not necessarily for toilet accidents but for many other reasons (wet socks due to being outside at break/lunch). If they get wet/muddy and don’t have a change of clothes it’s a long time to sit uncomfortable while we phone home and wait for dry things! Ideally, they should have socks, pants, trousers and T-shirt spare
Thank you for your support with all this!