A Trip to the end


I am in my world and I go get a pet from my dog house and today I am taking… Luna because she is always a good girl!

But I am going to the end 2

So I cant actually take her so she’s going to be my guard dog today!

Ok so lets go sit here Luna good girl!


WOW this place I s awesome (boom) aah it’s the ender dragon I need to find cover.

Ha a cave I will go and explore that and get cover to.

Oh this cave is so cool, (foot steps on cave floor) what is that?

He He hello?



Oh your not googlies that’s good!

Why would you think that?

Because I have never been here before!

Oh ok!

Lets just find some beds it will be getting dark soon.

Eventually we have found some beds lets get some sleep! Hhhhhh ENDER MAN no Sara (splat) I! will miss her!

Forget about her now we must destroy the ender dragon!

Here we go there he is over there!

Ok I will get the dragon you get the health.

3 2 1 go!

Whise  bang  bip  bop  Ker plunk!

We got him!!!

The world is yours now Casey good luck I will visit good bye!

Good bye!

Th th th th

Luna Luna oh my goodness Luna haya…

Whise bang bip bop Ker plunk

That was a surprise are you ok Luna did those pig men hurt you lets get you some pork chops and me my bed


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