Friday 17th January

This week, we have been learning more about the life of Robert the Bruce and have created time lines of his life, alongside a comic strip that tells the story of the Robert and the spider in the cave.

We have continued to work on our Scottish poetry recital in class, ready for next week’s class competition. We are also completing an art competition based on the poem we are learning. We have created a piece of artwork based on the main themes of the poem. We worked on identifying the meanings of traditional Scottish words.

We are continuing to enjoy our class novel, The Nowhere Emporium. This week, we have created our own imaginary shops in our imaginative writing. We have been focusing on the description of setting using our senses and other literary techniques, such as personification.

In Numeracy and Maths, we have been developing our skills in data handling.

We have completed STEM challenges in groups and had to work cooperatively to build, test and design different models.

In Music, we have been writing and performing our own lyrics and playing ukulele.

We have worked well with others in Drama to develop story ideas from our class novel.

We enjoyed exploring properties of materials with our buddies in Outdoor Learning.

This week, we joined a live French lesson with pupils across Scotland to develop our skills further.


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