Primary 6

Hi everyone today I will be telling you about what we were doing this week.


On Monday we were tested for our Euro quiz skills and did a former quiz from 2022.All the groups tried their hardest and everyone did really well. On Tuesday we did RME with Miss Allan and learned about the 8 fold path of the Buddhist religion. On Wednesday we had to do a reading comprehension in French . We had to use a French dictionary to translate a paragraph in French and write it in English it was very hard. On Thursday it was world book day most of the class dressed up. We did a world book day quiz and a design your own front cover for your favourite book. On Friday we visited the book fair, had committees, did a spelling test, watched an extract form the Diary of Anne Frank and discussed what we would like to plant in our outside boxes.

Written by Clark




On Monday we worked on our Euro Quiz with our groups. We played a game of Blooket and did the game from numbers to 100 in French. Some people did their projects and presented them to the class. And we fixed our writing.





On Tuesday we did Times table squares and we did textbook math. Then we did literacy and we were doing synonyms and antonyms. We worked on our euro quiz and then some people did their projects and we started to watch diary of Ann Frank.




On Wednesday we did textbook math then we worked a bit on our Euro quiz.  After break it was Bible Alive. After lunch we did famous landmarks and wrote information about them. After that some people did their projects.





On Thursday we did Time in  and after we worked on our Euro Quiz. After break we did Trumpet and some of the Cupar brass band came. After lunch we did loose parts and we made a landmark. We then did a flag quiz and after that we did the daily mile.




We had committees and then we worked on our Euro quiz. We also finished our class novel Hilter’s Canary where we had been learning about how the Jews were treated during WW2. We discovered the story was based on true events and found it shocking that so many children were killed. We learned a lot from this novel.


Written by Leni

Primary 6



On Monday we started with Reading a book, We then moved on with doing some maths based on multiplication square when we were done we went to Together time, when that was done we moved on to doing a newspaper report on our class novel (Hitler Canary)




When we entered  we started by reading a book and then moved on to maths doing multiplication square, maths grid and textbook. We went to P.E.  For topic we created a poster about what we learnt about WWII. We also did French talking about numbers from 1-30 at the end we did blooket and that was the end of Tuesday.



Times table square was done again. We completed some pages of maths textbook. Some of us did our WW2 talks.

We did bible alive



We had trumpet.

Friday -We have been practising for our  euro quiz. We listened to some WW2 music.

By Ziva

Primary 6

On Monday we were doing netball for P.E and we had together time.


On Tuesday we were with Miss Allan and we were watching an internet safety video. We were also doing Tinkercad.



On Wednesday

We were doing how animals were used in WW2 and Bible alive.




We were doing trumpet and an assessment on time. We looked at how to do more accurate internet searches and we created play areas within the classroom.


Written by Charlie

Primary 6

This week

We have been doing netball in P.E

We have been learning about WW2, rationing and propaganda. We also learned about Newport during WW2.

We have been learning about time, timetables and time differences in maths

We have been learning about the Old Testament in RME

We have been doing writing and focussing on paragraphs and metaphors. We wrote about a true story of an American soldier who had suffered PTSD from shooting a German soldier during WW2.

Written by Freddie




A very exciting week this week and Primary 6 have been enjoying themselves.


We have enjoyed practising our assembly and this week we have presented them. Pineapple People won, The Hydros came second and the Eco Wind Turbines came third.


We also had lots of fun on Tuesday with PE as we were working on our hockey skills.

On Wednesday we had Bible Alive and were working on weight in maths.

On Thursday we had getting close to finishing good night Mr Tom and we had trumpet and the whole school mile.

Friday, we had a lot of fun with some of the P7s as a lot of the class was away at athletics so it was really peaceful except when we were doing PE. We also had fun doing the skills academy.


As we have proved we have had a very exciting week. Written by Laurie.

Primary 6

This week our class has been very busy with our renewable energy projects. We have been learning about fossil fuels and how they are going to run out.  We have been working in our table groups to get this finished for Monday for our Assembly.


Our WW2 topic inspired us to write alphabet poems about the war. Our 2 class novels are Goodnight Mr Tom and Hitler`s Canary.


On Thursday we did our second week of Bible Alive and had fun dressing up and acting out parts of bible stories.


Written by Ariella


Primary 6





On Monday we started off by going to together time. After together time we were doing our reusable energy project for 5 minutes until break. After break we did maths after lunch we continued doing our project.





On Tuesday we were we worked on volume and worked it out with column addition we did that till break. After break we did hockey for PE and when we came back it was lunch.

When we came back in we did class novel and listened to each other read.





On Wednesday morning we continued doing volume until break.  After break Bible alive came in everyone enjoy it. After  lunch we were told that we’d have a new project and we had to do it on a country from world war 2.




We had maths first (volume) And a reading comprehension after. Then was Trumpet (after break) . Then lunch after we had a really fun animation task for fossil fuels after it was the end of the day.




We worked on our renewable energy project till PE when we did scout ball and hockey. After break we worked on our animations for fossil fuels. After lunch we will do class novel and reward time.

Primary 6

This week we have been doing badminton for P.E.  We did 3D printing with Miss Allan and made cool figures with Tinkercad. We also started printing our Mario Kart cars that we had designed in class.  We were also learning about famous mathematicians. We worked on our Europe challenge with our group to see how much kilometres we have travelled with our steps and see where we end up in Europe. And for art we have been making Christmas wreaths with pieces of folded paper with colourful stuff on them and we fold them and put them in the community bag .

Written by Charlie

Primary 6

We have been busy this week. In Literacy we have been working on speech marks and punctuation. We also wrote balanced arguments about the use of technology.

In Numeracy we were learning about scale. We made scale drawings and linked it to our mapping for Mario.

In Art we created our own Vermeer paintings from our class novel. We learned about the vanishing point and measured them to scale. We then followed instructions to make a picture frame from an Amazon envelope.

In P.E we developed our football skills and learned new skills with badminton.

In Music we continued to learn Jingle Bells on the trumpet. In ICT we worked on the design of our 3D models and developed a formula on Excel to work out our steps for our pedometers.