Primary 6





On Monday we started off by going to together time. After together time we were doing our reusable energy project for 5 minutes until break. After break we did maths after lunch we continued doing our project.





On Tuesday we were we worked on volume and worked it out with column addition we did that till break. After break we did hockey for PE and when we came back it was lunch.

When we came back in we did class novel and listened to each other read.





On Wednesday morning we continued doing volume until break.  After break Bible alive came in everyone enjoy it. After  lunch we were told that we’d have a new project and we had to do it on a country from world war 2.




We had maths first (volume) And a reading comprehension after. Then was Trumpet (after break) . Then lunch after we had a really fun animation task for fossil fuels after it was the end of the day.




We worked on our renewable energy project till PE when we did scout ball and hockey. After break we worked on our animations for fossil fuels. After lunch we will do class novel and reward time.

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