Primary 6


Today we started the day by doing maths puzzles. After that we went to together time. Then we worked on our business plans. Finally, we worked on our business plan profits.



Today we finished the maths puzzles from yesterday. Then we did some maths in the textbooks. We did some more on our business plans.



To start with we did maths from the textbooks. Then we finished our business plans. Now all of them are finished!



Today we started with our spelling test. Now we started the music composition project with people from the unicorn. It was really fun but really noisy. We are sorting out our business plans stalls. Then went to the nursery to play with our buddies.

Written by Anna.

Primary 6

Monday:1) puzzles-we had to figure out stuff like: 7, 4, 8, 6=1

2)together time- we went to the hall for together time

3)writing -we made a poster about our qualities

Tuesday – We did some revision in maths and learned about higher order thinking skills with our reading.

Wednesday – We planned a rap to teach other people the different parts of the flower and we prepared our plants for selling.

Thursday- We had Michael Betteridge the composer in to help us write a piece of music to do with HMS Unicorn. We also baked banana muffins.

Friday – We learned how to play Swedish Longball in P.E, presented our raps to the class and learned about love and relationships in Health.

Written by Michaela



Primary 6


On Monday we started with maths board-work, we then did together time, Next was writing a letter for our buddy, Spelling and after lunch we did French and then P.E. It was fun.


We started with finishing of our French from yesterday. We then moved on to do maths then spelling then bias(rumour) from a newspaper then after lunch was Art.


We started with finishing off art, did some maths then spelling, then British Sign Language. We watched a video about plants


We started with comprehension then maths

Then we moved on to do Science. We were learning about the DNA of the fruit fly. We made our own random fruit flies that were created from 8 different chromosomes. We learned a lot.


We had P.E then we did our Making Connections section of our Natural Connections. We also had a Science workshop.

Written  by Ziva


Primary 6


We did letter to buddy to tell them about school and ourselves

We did the French revolution and a colouring sheet

We did cross country training



We did 3D shapes in class for maths

We did RME about Sikhs

We did health and wellbeing




We did the daily mile with the P5s

We did maths like usual

We did spelling with synonyms


We did maths and comprehension

We did the career paths and planting

We did the “do you feel safe in school?” survey



We did spelling and jobs

We did athletics in P.E

We did outside planting and the business plan

We had reward time

Written by Maryam

Primary 6


Off school



For writing we had to write about  the origin of a piece of sea glass. We wrote some very imaginative stories.

We ran 41 laps in P.E and played bench ball

We started an art project about flowers with tissue paper

For maths we did mental maths and profit and loss.



We went to HMS Unicorn and learnt about the ship and history of it

We did a bit more art with tissue paper

We finished off writing from yesterday

We did fun in 31



Off school



We practised hurdles in athletics and then played hurdle rounders! It was good fun. We also worked on our business plan, wrote up our Science experiment and then finished our tissue paper art.

Written by Maryam



Primary 6

This week in Literacy we were writing about day as Prime Minister. We had lots of good ideas about changes we would make in Britain to make it a better place to live. We also looked at how to use a hyphen correctly and then looked for them in our class novel. We also spent quite a bit of time working on our listening skills.

In Numeracy we continued to work on Algebra and revised some of the work we covered last term.

For our topic we were researching what jobs were available within the police and forensics. We when designed our own career’s fair showing as many different jobs as we could. We also learned about the creator of Sherlock Holmes and designed our own silhouette pictures using ICT and then art techniques.

In Science we cut up a flower and looked at all the different parts.

Primary 6


Write about our holidays

What we want to learn in our new topic

Finger prints and their importance



Pe – ball games

Maths algebra

Art – fingerprint watercolours



Target sheet

Planned political parties





3d shapes



Pe – field events in athletics

Presenting our political parties to Primary 5.


Written by Freddie

Primary 6

We have had a busy week with our brass performance at the Rothes Hall and preparing for the Easter Service. We really enjoyed playing to an audience in Glenrothes and it was good for us to hear how our trumpet parts fitted in with the other schools and the professional musicians.

We also enjoyed performing our German song to the school and our musicians did a great job supporting the singing.

We also heard this week that our class came second in the Euro quiz from the schools in Fife. We were very proud.


This week we have been working towards the Euro Quiz competition. We have done really well working in groups and we did a lot of revision and practised with old tests. The big quiz is today and we are looking forward to seeing who will win from our class.

This week we have also done spelling, summary writing and decimals and percentages in maths. In P.E we have been developing our hockey skills.


Written by Ziva


Primary 6

Monday: On Monday we first of all went to together time and in the afternoon all of the euro quiz groups did a quiz on all of the topics that come up in the actual euro quiz.


Tuesday: On Tuesday we were learning about tessellation and we made our own art using stencils.

It takes ages so we are also doing it on Wednesday.


Wednesday: On Wednesday we were doing drama and we were pretending to interview a character of our choice and we had to ask them really good questions to interest the audience.


Thursday: On Thursday we practised our euro quiz and used a previous test so that we know what its like to be in the final.


Friday: On Friday we were doing PE and we also had committees, after that we had a whole school red nose hunt and then we had reward time.

Written by Calum