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Thursday and Friday with Miss M

This week we have been very busy!

We have been able to write letters to our P3 teacher to introduce ourselves. We included lots of interesting questions, a fact about us and our goals for next session.

We had a little time reminder. We worked on our mental maths and were really fast and solving some problems.

We had a wet but fun sports day! Well done to everyone who took part.

P3 had created some games using magnets and we were very lucky to get to play some of them and learn the rules.

We have some special cards in our bags.

Have a lovely weekend!

Wednesday the 12th of June 2024

Monday to Wednesday with Mrs Meiklem

We had lots of fun preparing for Sport’s Day this week. We practised for the different races and completed the trim trail water challenge. We also played football matches for house points. There was lots of good learning about good sportsmanship and working as a team.
Our class trip on Wednesday was an adventure. We learned about fire safety and cooked pancakes on an open fire. We also went on a long walk to explore a new area in the local community. There were opportunities for free play, arts and crafts and team challenges.

Thursday and Friday with Miss Mathers

Today we celebrated the new celebrity in our class! Well done to Zara who came 2nd for her joke in the Voice Box competition. We are all so proud.

We wrote a letter to Mr Mouse, to warn him about the big bad things he might come across in the woods.

We began making some beautiful cards.

We have been focusing on how we can edit our own and other people’s sentences. We have been able to act like teachers and remind everyone of the correct punctuation!

The whole school came together with Miss Donaldson to share their reflections on this school year.

Have a lovely weekend!


Wednesday the 5th of June 2024

Tuesday and Wednesday with Mrs Meiklem

We enjoyed writing about our long weekends this week. We practised talk letters and letters with tails in handwriting. In spelling we are learning about magic e words and practising blending using consonant blend sounds like fl and sw.

We continued to use directional language to direct a partner robot around the playground.
In numeracy we are practising mental maths strategies.

Friday with Miss Mathers

Yesterday the class had Miss Alan.

Today we have been looking at using our editing skills to sort some mixed up and wonky sentences. Lots of us were able to re-order them correctly and add in the appropriate punctuation.

We have considered how we can pay for things under £1 and give the correct change.

We continued our perspective art.

We have been able to share some of our long weekend plans.

Have a lovely long weekend everyone!

Wednesday the 29th of May 2024

Monday to Wednesday with Mrs Meiklem

This week we played lots of catching games in PE. We practised the hand positions and were trying hard to look at the ball.
We are nearly finished our division block in numeracy and we have been using objects to share equally to help us figure out division problems.
In topic we were learning about the different types of wildlife found in different locations around Scotland.
We used loose parts to make our own obstacle courses and used positional language to direct a partner through the course.
In French we were learning the words for different emotions.

Thursday and Friday with Miss Mathers

This week we used our taught book reviewing skills and wrote one on our favourite books.

We had an extended show and tell where lots of us were able to share our creations and things from home. We have discussed how we can ask questions to find out more details,

We have been working hard to bring together our Learning Logs. We have reflected upon our term targets and are looking forward to sharing them with you.

In preparation for our Sharing Assembly on Monday, we revisited our learning on changes that happen in our lives. We have discussed how we can feel at times of change and how we cope.


Wednesday the 22nd of May 2024

Monday to Wednesday with Mrs Meiklem

This week we had fun creating more imaginative stories. We played hopping games in PE. We have been learning how to share equally for division. In topic we practised listening for information about otters from a video. We took notes and listened for key words. We also started to plan our class Outdoor learning day trip. We have lots of fun ideas of what we’d like to do. We enjoyed performing role plays to an audience in drama. We received peer feedback about movement, voice and character. In music we sang songs together for enjoyment.

Thursday and Friday with Miss Mathers

This week we were very lucky to be visited by an author and illustrator – Morag Hood! We listened to her stories and were taught how to draw one of the cartoons from her book.

We took our reading outdoors on Thursday and enjoyed the sunshine.

We are learning how we can add coins together in maths.

We have been able to explore how we can use lines to create perspective art.

Wednesday the 15th of May 2024

Monday to Wednesday with Mrs Meiklem

This week we were practising jumping skills in PE. We played lots of fun games. We made our own obstacle courses in Loose Parts Play.
In writing we were creating our own narrative pieces to entertain the reader. We all used our imaginations to create some wonderful stories.
We have been talking about our likes and dislikes. We created our own notes in class and performed a short talk about ourselves to the class. We all tried hard to be a quality audience and to give feedback using the success criteria.